Part Twenty Nine

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Part Twenty-Nine

I'm getting a sense of déjà vu as I sit on the steps under the large sign declaring the start of Main Beach. The sun looks so beautiful setting along the horizon line of the ocean in the distance, waves crashing onto the beach as another day comes to an end.

I have absolutely no idea what my plans are for this date I've asked Austin on but it doesn't matter. I just want to spend time with him, get to know him before I leap of this cliff that everyone keeps calling the bond.

I imagine how it might feel to be feeling the pull of the bond, I should ask Austin when he gets here. Get his perspective on this. I wonder what it is like for him to be waiting for someone his whole life only to have to wait a little longer while being in their presence.

When I think about it like that, I feel guilty. I look at the couples in love around me in my life, how they've come together. My parents claim they were the first look, and they just knew. Jack and Louisa dated all through high school, did a little travelling together and have no settled into their life together.

Alex and Harley come into mind, the secret quick to love couple. I can tell my brother is in deep, head over heels for Harley. It's not something I've ever seen on him but I'm happy.

Perhaps Austin and I could be like that, start out slow before diving off the cliff. I remind myself our situation is a little different then the couples I'm thinking of. None of them actually have any proof they are with the one they're destined to be with.

I don't even have my own history to look back on and reflect. I've had relationships but they've all been in high school and could barely be considered serious. I've never gotten serious, like actually serious, with anyone in my short life. I guess Austin might just be the first.


I watch Austin materialize beside me, dropping onto the stairs beside me. "Hi."

"What's your plan for tonight?" he asks, smiling.

I lift both shoulders. "No clue, I'm winging it. are you hungry, we could eat?"

He laughs, nodding. "I am starving actually."

I nod, smiling. "I've had all afternoon to think of something to do but I've come up with nothing."

He pushes off the stairs, turning to offer me a hand. "It's okay, we don't have to do anything spectacular."

I place my hand in his, allowing him to pull me up. "I just really want to spend time with you." I shrug like it's no big deal just throwing that out there.

He squeezes my hand gently before dropping it. "I want to spend time with you too."

My stomach flips over. "What do you feel like eating?" I ask, walking up the four steps. Luckily we're close by a few places to eat and if nothing around here tickles his fancy then we can drive somewhere else.

"I've actually been thinking about hamburgers lately."

I nod, my eyes landing on the fish and chip shop. They do excellent burgers. "I could go for a burger."

We head inside the fish and chip shop, order ourselves some burgers and wait outside for our order to be ready. Fortunately, it's not very busy tonight and our order is done in no time. We find a spot on the beach to eat.

He takes a rather large bite of his burger, his eyes falling closed, and he makes a pleased noise. "Hitting the spot?" I ask.

He nods, chewing slowly. He takes another bite out of his burger and makes the same noise. "So good."

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