Chapter 2

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Back in the town, Champ and Marshall continued to talk.

Marshall:So, is there anything else I should know about Matthew?

Champ:No, that's all.

Marshall: Let's head home.

As they started walking, Champ immediately stopped and turned around.

Marshall:What is it?

Champ:We got company!

Suddenly, two motorcycles surrounded Marshall and Champ.

Marshall:(Growls) The Ruff–Ruff Pack!


The two motorcycles stopped moving.

???: Who's the new pup?

Marshall:What do you want, Hubcap?

Hubcap got out of the sidecar and approached Marshall and Champ.

Marshall:Get behind me, Champ.

Hubcap:We know about your tiny human friend, but we also know what he's capable of, so attacking him wouldn't be very smart.

Gasket:Which is why we are taking you two!


Hubcap walked closer to Champ. Marshall then shoved Hubcap away from Champ.

Marshall:Step away from the little pup.

Gasket immediately tackled Marshall and had him pinned down.

Gasket: Don't you dare attack our leader!

Dwayne seemed rather frightened by all of this. Gasket began to choke Marshall.


Hubcap:Keep going, Gasket!

Champ:Look, I'll go, just leave him alone!

Marshall: Champ, no!

Hubcap:Why should we just take you and spare his life?

Champ: Killing him will only make your lives even worse, trust me, I know!

Dwayne:I say we take him on his offer.

Gasket:Hate to say it, but I agree with Dwyane.

Gasket then released Marshall, who started gasping for air.

Champ:So, who am I riding with?

Gasket:With me, so get on!

Champ got onto Gasket's motorcycle.

Gasket:Hold on tight, I wouldn't want you to fall off.

Once they drove off, Marshall stood up, and was completely frightened.

Marshall: Matthew's gonna kill me.

Back at the Lookout, Matthew was just watching as Chase and Skye seemed to be spending time together.

???: Snooping are we?

Matthew immediately turned around, seeing that Grace was behind him.

Matthew:Are you serious right now? You almost gave me a heart attack!

Grace: Better not, Moby's not around to give a tiny human medical attention.

Matthew:You really are your mother's child, I still kinda remember Nora's attitude.

Grace:To be honest with you, we didn't really get along, In fact,I felt rather distance from her.


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