Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, The Ruff-Ruff Pack had started driving through the area, Hubcap looked at Dwyane, who seemed rather worried.

Hubcap: What's with you, Dwyane?

Dwayne: It's nothing!

Gasket:I hope that pup is alright.

Hubcap:What do you care about him?

Gasket: He's just a little puppy, maybe we should look for him, he could get hurt.

Hubcap:No! Our focus is getting that tiny human, nothing more!

Dwyane:What are your true intentions? No way you are risking it all just for one human.

Hubcap:I want to see if he's as dangerous as Gasket says he is.

As they continued driving, Champ carefully got onto Dwyane's head and began to whisper into his right ear.

Champ:(Whispers) I can sense the Paw Patrol up ahead.

Dwyane nodded his head.

Dwyane:(I just want to get Champ away from Hubcap and Gasket.)

Back with the Paw Patrol, Grace kept an eye on Matthew, making sure that he was still calm.

Grace:(He seems to be calm, but I'm worried if that is going to change the moment he sees the Ruff-Ruff Pack.)

Matthew: We're getting close.

Wild:The little guy is right, so, what's the plan?

Ryder:Matt, how far out are they?

Matthew:Far enough for us to come up with a plan.

Chase:We could try to ambush them.

Rubble:But we need to be careful, we don't want to get anyone hurt, especially Champ.

Marshall: How about we try to surround them?

Ryder:That could work.

Chase:(As long as Matthew doesn't burst out in anger, everything should go as planned.)

As they began to discuss a plan, the Ruff-Ruff Pack began to get even closer.

Hubcap:If either of you see that tiny human, capture him! By any means necessary. Even if you have to break the bones of one or all the pups.

Dwyane and Gasket looked at each other in fear.

Dwyane:You wanted this.

Dywane looked away as he brought all his focus back into driving his motorcycle.


Champ, who was carefully standing on top of Dywane's head, saw the sadness on Gasket's face.

Champ:(I can sense it, even though she's beginning to think that Hubcap is starting to take things too far.)

Hubcap:Both of you, stop!

Gasket and Dywane stopped their motorcycles.

Dwyane:What is it?

Suddenly, the entire Paw Patrol surrounded them.


Chase:Where is the pup?

Hubcap:Wish we knew.

Marshall: Don't try to act dumb, where is he?!

Gasket:The pup escaped, he's probably out there somewhere.

Hubcap: He'd be lucky to survive.

Skye: Champ's a lot more capable than you think.

Hubcap then looked at Wild, noticing the tiny human on top of his head.

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