Final Chapter

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They had finally returned to the Lookout, Wild decided to hang out with the Paw Patrol for a bit longer, wanting to spend more time with Matthew and the others. As Matthew and Wild were just talking, Marshall was doing some x-rays on Champ's paw.

Marshall:I wouldn't say that it's broken, but it's pretty bruised up, so I recommend staying off that paw until it fully recovers, and since Moby is not here, that's probably gonna take almost around a month or so...


Marshall:I know this is something you probably don't wanna hear right now, but you should take this chance to tell Matthew the truth, he deserves it, especially after what we went through to save you!

Champ:I know...

Marshall then saw that Grace had come in.

Grace:How is he doing?

Marshall: It's gonna take some time, but he'll recover.

Grace: That's good to hear.

Marshall saw the way Champ and Grace were looking at each other.

Marshall:(Chuckles) I'll give you two some alone time...

Grace:Why are you saying it like that?

Marshall looked at Champ and winked as he walked outside.

Champ:So Grace, what's Matt doing?

Grace:Just hanging out with Wild before he leaves.

Champ:You mind sitting next to me?

Grace smiled as she laid down next to Champ.

Grace:Is something wrong?

Champ: There's something you should know about Matthew...

Grace:What is it?

Champ looked around, seeing that no was around, then he whispered into Grace's ear.


Champ:I don't know how to tell him.

Grace:Champ, you have to, it's been a secret long enough, he deserves to know, he's your best friend after all.

Champ sighed as he looked away from Grace. Grace let out a soft chuckle as she decided to shrink down and place a paw on Champ's chest.

Grace: Promise me you tell him. The way he smiles at you, the way he loves being around you, it's the reason why I love you.

Champ immediately blushed as he looked down at Grace.

Champ:You love me?

Grace immediately looked away, realizing what she had just said.

Grace:Um, well...

Champ then gently licked Grace's cheek.


Champ:I love you too.

Grace blushed and smiled as he rested her head on Champ's chest.

Champ:What a cute little Rockruff.

Grace:Shut up!


???:You two seem to be having a fun time. 

Champ and Grace saw that Wild and Matthew had come in.


Champ:Take it easy, Grace.

Matthew rubbed the top of Grace's head. Grace seemed to have calmed down as she smiled at Matthew and jumped into his arms.

Wild:You guys seem really happy, I hope one day you three get to meet the Cat-Pack, I know they will love you guys.

A Paw Patrol Story 10: Let's RideWhere stories live. Discover now