Part 8

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After ariving at my place I just took everything off my face, changed into an old T-shirt and fell asleep.

Monday. My first lecture begins at 11am meaning I got up a bit harder than usual but still rested at 8am. I took a quick shower, made some breakfast and spent like half an hour on choosing my outfit. I don't usually care what I wear but this morning I couldn't decide. I went with ripped light blue skinny jeans and a soft pink jumper, for my shoes i picked some black boots and left the house throwing a coat over me.

I am very excited for this semester since I'll finally have some courses I'll enjoy, not saying my last semester was horrible but this will be much more lovable. Also I am happy I will finally see my university friends again. Nancie, a friend I met on the first year is like my bestie here at University, but every time we have few days free she goes back home to Lyon where she's originally from, I do miss her even tho we talk ocassionally over imessages. Actually a few times I went with her to France, it was bloody amazing. Apart from her there are also few others I can't wait to see.

After my lecture was over I went to a nearby coffee shop to meet up with Nancie who I already saw sitting at a table so I approached her and she stood up from her seat and gave me a nice, warm hug.

''Hello, Nancie!'' I said as I took a seat next to her.

''I'm so happy to finally see you Helena! How are you? How's Chris?'' She asked me as the waiter approached us and we ordered some hot chocolate.

''I am good but Chris and I are no longer dating. We broke up last week.'' I gave her a sad smile and she gave one back, before I shrugged my shoulders and the waiter came back with our hot drinks.

''Are you okay?'' She asked me and I nodded before explaining:

''Yes, I am. I just saw that it didn't work out anymore, also I was the one who broke up with him and it was my fault that it happened.'' I said and she gave me a confused look.

''Why do you think it's your fault?'' She asked.

''I just met someone else.'' I answered trying my hot chocolate. It tasted like heaven, the colour reminding me of Zayn's eyes, even though his eyes are more light, hazel - and I liked the colour a lot. I had to stop thinking about him.

''Well, as long as you're happy, I'm happy for you.'' Nancie smiled at me and continued. ''By the way, we should definitely go out this weekend, or this Friday, it's the start of the new semester and we need to drink to that! Are you interested? We could hit some clubs and dance, I reckon it would be fun. Just us girls. Me, you, Stephanie, Erika, Daniela and Tia.''

''Yes, I'm up for it! Need to have some fun. How are you, by the way? Anything new in your life? How was France?'' I asked, remembering that she went home over the break. I saw her give me a big smile before she started speaking and I was glad to see her happy. She was a very good friend and a nice girl, so it was nice to see her like this.

''France was amazing, was good to be home for more than three days. Also, I might be in a relationship...'' She said and gave me that look confirming that she was indeed serious.

After she talked about her new love for about 5 minutes all I could say was ''That's great! I hope I meet him soon.'' We then talked about other random things, university and just having a laugh. On the way home, I stopped at a local library to pick up a book about Nefertiti that I needed for one of my lectures. When I was finally home, I changed into my favourite pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt after taking a shower and deciding to watch football before falling asleep. The last thing on my mind before I fell asleep was Zayn and the fact I would see him tomorrow. That dinner is gonna be very awkward.

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