..swap gaster?

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My eyes cracked open, a little surprised I can even do that due to some dumbass who dropped a crate on me.

Fuck at least it was just about an almost instant death due to my skull cracking open.

My hands reached up to feel my head before pausing, staring at my...skeleton hands, is it bad that I don't care my bodies a skeleton? I am apathetic person after all, so I didn't really care about a lot of things, it was hard for me to try, it wasn't really my fault, being apathetic  does that to me.

Well I'll find out if I still do anything like I did in my last life.

I shrugged my shoulders, my face long fallen into a Passive look as I sat up and glanced around my surroundings.

Huh,  I don't recognize anything, does that mean the memories of this body did not stay? What a pity, I could have used it to figure out where I am and what job this body even had or has.

Oh well, I thought, getting off the bed and paused when I heard some crying nearby, freezing up.

Is that..babies...? I titled my head and turned to look and headed over to the big crib that seemed hand made.

I glanced down and paused, looks like papyrus and sans...oh, which au am I in? I wondered as I picked papyrus up, he was the one crying after all, sans was somehow still asleep.

I glanced down at papyrus who was still fussy but seemed to be content in my arms, how to do this...children are..ok..to be around sometimes but it's not like I had kids, I was barely almost 21 before I died.

Well at least got to try and figure out how this parenting thing works, I'll need to look through some books but I don't know if they have any about the skeleton race, well shit.

This would have been a wonderful time for this bodies memories to hit me but it didn't, I almost let out a groan before I pulled my arms up closer to my face and gently pressed a kiss to papyrus's skull.

"Shhh..it's ok...I'm here now..." I mumbled to papyrus who seemed to calm down, I don't know how to raise kids but I'll just have to learn as I go.

Obviously there are things kids can't do and can not touch at this age less they hurt themselves.

I am not dumb, but things have always been hard for me to understand, or missing social cues or having difficultly with talking with others.

Besides that, I mostly didn't care, sure I had some friends but that was mostly so I had someone to talk to back then at school.

Not like it did much when in my last year I had a different lunch schedule then them.

I shrugged a little bit and gently rock papyrus a little bit to get him back to sleep, which took me over eight minutes to do but that gave me some time to look around in the house and find anything useful.

Do I have to start acting like I care? Probably, the two are most likely my kids, or even younger siblings. I am unsure of which.

But I guess I don't care either way, I'm raising them, so I'll probably be a parent to them.

Hm probably, they can call me whatever, I am gender apathetic, I don't care what I'm called, male, female, they, they can call me mom or dad or pops for all I care and I don't mind.

I let out a sigh as I gently set papyrus back down and turned around to start looking in my room.

Well, at least we do have a lot of money, what was my old work in this life that allowed him to make so much?

I titled my head, a curious hum, I started looking through books, looking for maybe a diary of some kind, which luckily I found one and started reading it.

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