Another day

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Gaster noticed that on some days, his kids don't hug him til he starts heading towards them to hug them.

He's pretty sure his kids noticed things off about him but aren't too sure what exactly. relieving, they don't know what exactly the problem is with him.

But they at least noted down how he usually is, what he avoids and whatnot. a bit relieving but also not, his kids already noticed things off about him and they were only 12 in human age.

If they already noticed so much about him at this age, he knows eventually they will find out about his...personality...or lack of it or the fact that he doesn't show much emotions at all.

It's a bit...worrisome he supposed, he guessed he'll have to eventually tell them...but not now, not until they were adults...

But if somehow, he has to tell them before they are adults, he'll have to make sure that they know they are still very much loved by him, even if he still doesn't know what love feels like.

But it's fine, everything will be just fine. He knows it, he's very certain things will end up just fine no matter how he ends up telling his kids and when he tells them.

He can't keep it hidden forever from them, they already noted things down about him that they knew about.

So he just needs to relax and stay calm, things will be just fine.

So Gaster relaxed himself before heading out to cuddle with his kids.

Who were currently watching tv on the couch, both a little bit bored before he pops up next to them, picking them up and cuddling them close before sitting down.

Sans and papyrus both let out a squeak at being picked up all of a sudden, it was very cute and he's glad he had his phone out recording and taking pictures of them at the moment too.

Gaster had a very pleased smile on his face, "paaaaaaa whyyy..." sans whined a little bit, arms moving a little bit as he shifted to get comfortable in their parents hold.

Papyrus just relaxed against their parent, very used to the fact of getting picked up and cuddled very suddenly, even though it still startled him sometimes.

"Hi mom." Papyrus hummed a little bit.

"Good morning my lovely children! How's your day been?" Gaster cheerfully asked with a happy smile on his face.

"It's been good." Papyrus responded back with a small grin on his face.

"Our days been most fantastic dad!" Sans cheerfully responded.

Gaster give him a look, "no acting around family sans."

Sans pouted, "ok ok, it's been a boring day. What else is there to do today? Today we aren't training or anything."

Gaster shrugged a little bit, "maybe some hide and attack game? You know the usually, but this time with freeze in it."

Sans perked up along with papyrus.

"Nice! Let's go! Into the Forrest we go for the game!" Sans chirped cheerfully and got out of gasters arms and bounded out to the door and headed outside.

Gaster set papyrus down who then followed sans  out the door.

Gaster gave an amused look to the two before following them.

They all three headed to the Forrest to start, "now which one of us should be it."

Sans hand shot up in the air, "me! Me! Pick me!"

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