In the end...

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In the end, they both got caught after 30 more minutes of playing keep away and both got tickled for a few minutes, being recorded and have pictures taken by their parent.

Their parent really seemed to love taking videos and pictures of them.

They don't mind of course, it's not like anyone's going to see it due to how protective their parent is over the pictures and videos, only letting them see it.

Especially the ones from when they were younger.

Which they like to look at due to it was them, but younger.

"Sans." Papyrus started, causing his brother to turn and look at him with a curious look on his face.

Papyrus stared at sans for a few seconds before picking him up and setting him on the couch, sitting next to him, "now we are couch buddy's."

Papyrus winked at sans, who crossed his arms and gave papyrus a certain look.

"Papy, shush. The tv is on right now." Sans told papyrus, eye-lights moving to stare at their parent from the  corner.

Papyrus gave out a small hum, nodding as his own eye-lights moved to watch their parent who was currently pulling out a few books.

They both Subtly watch their parent while their bodies were still turned to the tv that was on.

Their parent looked through a few books before putting two back, holding three books in his arms now.

Their eye-lights  turn back to the tv when they noticed their parent turning around to face them.

"Here, in case you get bored again soon, these are newer books that I've gained recently." Gaster told them as he hands two books to sans and papyrus who accepted them.

Papyrus blinked a few times, "oh thanks mom."

"Thank you dad." Sans chirped cheerfully, holding the book close to himself now.

Gaster gave them a smile, " your welcome, are you two going to be fine out here for a while?"

"Yep!" Sans replied to their parent.

"Yeah we will be fine. Go do whatever you got to do dad." Papyrus told Gaster who nodded.

Gaster then teleported away to his work.

Sans and papyrus gave each other a look, "ok, let's search through dads room for a few minutes. It shouldn't take to long, since dad seems like he had to hurry a little bit, so there might be more then one."

Papyrus nodded and they both teleport into their parents room and carefully Searched, making sure to put everything back in its spot if they moved anything.

They looked but didn't find much, not even a diary, which, they know their parent has, maybe their parent has it on him at all times?

Papyrus glanced up before grabbing sans and teleports back to the couch, just in time for Gaster to teleport back into the house.

"Welcome back dad." Papyrus waved at their parent who gave them another smile.

"Yeah! Welcome back mom." Sans said with a happy smile on his face.

"I'm home, so are you two going to watch tv for a while before reading?" Gaster asked them.

They both shared looks, "hmm maybe. We might go to bed a little early." Sans told gaster who let out a small hum.

"That's fine. It is starting to get a bit late out, make sure to go to sleep before 8:30 pm." Gaster told them before turning and heading to one of the other rooms to do things.

Sans relaxed a little bit on the couch, "so what do we do? I don't think we will find anything in moms room."

"Yeah I know, I think he had it on himself so we don't find anything." Papyrus responded back with a small hum.

"Well that's going to be a bit of a problem, we do need to find out more so we can figure out how to help him after all." Sans sighs a little bit.

"I know, but he can't keep this up forever and will eventually slip, then we can just ask him." Papyrus told sans, eye sockets closing a little bit with a small yawn.

"Ah yeah that's true, and I guess your more tired then I thought, guess you can go to sleep early then." Sans told papyrus who let out a small hum before he fell asleep fully.

Sans hums a little bit, shifting a bit so he can cuddle with papyrus before falling asleep to.

Which is the scene Gaster came back to, he then whipped out his phone and started taking pictures and videos with a hum.

He only stopped after a few minutes before moving the two so they would be more comfortable before setting a blanket on the two of them gently.

Gaster then headed upstairs to his room, letting his mask and act down as he sat on his bed.

"I hope they don't find out too soon...what should I do with the machine in the basement...? I didn't even realize it was even there until some years ago..." Gaster grumbles a little bit, a passive look on his face as he stared at nothing.

Well at least he never messed with it, he doesn't know if it belonged to whoever owned this before hand, because he's definitely not smart enough to work on machines let alone that one that involves aus.

Gaster rubs  his forehead a little bit, eye sockets drop a little bit, a frown forming on his face. Well at least he has it off, unlike before when he first found it.

Who the hell leaves a machine that can go off at anytime,  plugged in? It could have malfunctioned anytime between him living there and when he had to leave his kids who were asleep to work.

He's not going to do anything to the machine, he might accidentally activate it even though it's not plugged in anymore.

He doesn't want that now does he? It could literally Do anything and he wouldn't know what exactly it does, he only has some clues about what it can do because of some fan fiction he read about undertale aus ending up in the original or some other au.

Gaster let out an annoyed sigh, well if he felt annoyed that is, he can't destroy it either, who knows what would happen if he tried? So he currently left it alone, luckily it was in the basement that he has bolted down so his kids can't go in.

Gaster mumbled a little bit, laying down on his bed to stare at the ceiling, well at least he found out about it a while back instead of when it was too late.

Because sure, he's certain that other gasters probably made it, but he's certain he didn't, unless his past him before he woke up here, was a genius.

Which he'll shake his head too, yeah he doesn't think so.

Gaster eye sockets closed as he curled up a bit on his bed comfortably.

Might as well get some sleep. Gaster decided, relaxing more on the bed and waited for sleep to claim him.

Finished with 1307 words, hope you like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!

Ink, fresh, error
Underswap, Gaster/ asper/switch, sans/blue/whisp, Papyrus/orange/mist
Undertale, Gaster, sans, papyrus
Underfell, Gaster/fell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Outertale, Gaster/nebula, sans/outer, papyrus/galaxy
Underswap (other au) Gaster/swap, sans/blueberry, papyrus/stretch
Swapfell, Gaster/gin, sans/BlackBerry, papyrus/rus
Fellswap, Gaster/silver, sans/black, papyrus/gold
Reapertale, Gaster/hades, sans/reaper, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, Gaster/barren, sans/geno, papyrus/void
Epictale, Gaster/chronic, sans/epic, papyrus/Titan
Xtale, sans/cross
Horrortale, Gaster/Saturn, sans/horror/Mars, papyrus/Jupiter
Dusttale, Gaster/ash, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom
Killertale, sans/killer, papyrus/Angel (ghost papyrus), Gaster/butcher/butch
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare


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