Chapter 2 - Jealousy, Jealousy

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Alright, it's the first day of the second year, I wonder who my new homeroom teacher will be?

I walked down to class 2-A and saw the familiar faces. My face turned red when I saw Shoto, though, and a certain blonde boy took notice. "Oi, Deku, What's with you and Todoroki?"

"C'mon Bakubro, It's the first day of school, calm down," Kirishima said to Kacchan with the nickname he gave him exactly a year ago. I smiled and sat right in front of Todoroki. Now Kacchan was getting upset. So, to spite me, he tried to sit in front of me before getting stopped by Kirishima again. "Bakubro! Come sit next to us!"

Of course, he didn't let it go, and his glare lingered on me. Why was Kacchan so upset? He never cared what I did. "Izuku, I think we should tell them." I heard him say behind me.

"Tell us what, Todoroki?" Iida and Uraraka came over, and she asked us a question. I turned a bit red, but good thing Todoroki answered for me.

"Midoriya and I... we're a thing now." Uraraka looked kinda crushed but she continued to support us. Iida took it like everyday news and just gave us a thumbs up and smiled while congratulating us. At that point, everyone else heard us and congratulated us too.

I couldn't help but look over to Kacchan. His hands were curled up, his forearms on the desk, and he looked down at his desk. Everyone was huddled around us and didn't even bother to turn to him. I wish I could see his facial expression at that very moment or know exactly how he felt. I didn't know the news would reduce him to that.

My stomach hung low, but I continued to smile at everyone as our new teacher walked in. "Hello, class 2-A; I know you're surprised it's me... again. I'll explain briefly but let me write down your new seats." Mr. Aizawa? Isn't he a first-year teacher? "Okay, Mr. Megane wanted to teach 1st-year students this year, so I offered to switch with him. I won't be your homeroom teacher next year, though." He unzipped his sleeping bag and explained some stuff I wasn't listening to. This was going to be quite the year.

Bakugo POV:

God dammit... stupid Deku. Todoroki's a fucking extra... why would he choose him over me? I thought I was at least an option, but if that were true, why is he the one eating lunch with the damn nerd? I hung my head low again. I wasn't gonna fucking cry, but damn, I wish I could.

"Are you okay, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked me.

"Does it fucking look like it?"

"He's been acting weird since Deku told us he was dating Todoroki." Sparky, would you shut the fuck up?

"oOo! I smell tea coming!" You, too, cotton candy bitch!

"Shut up!" I slammed my hand on the table. Deku looked over at us, so I calmed down.

"Geez, dude! You sure you're feeling alright?" I sighed. I wasn't about to tell them all I wished I had asked Deku before Todoroki did. But maybe they could help me? God dammit, this is stupid.

"I just... wish I asked sooner." I ate my food in silence. Mina smiled at me.

"oOOO! Someone's got a crush!!"

"Who's got a crush?" Deku was standing right next to our table. I looked at him for a split second and then back at my food. He looked intrigued, not to mention excited.

"Oh, y'know, just Bakugo being Bakugo!" Now Raccoon Eyes has done it! They aren't even helping me!

"Oh? That's unexpected. Good for you, Bakugo." Todoroki was standing behind nerd-ass. His stupid monotone voice made me wanna punch him in the face. My face only got redder in anger the more they talked to me. I stood up, left my food there, and stormed out of the cafeteria. "Was that also Bakugo being Bakugo?" I heard Deku laugh at his comment as I closed the door to the cafeteria.

(sorry this might be out of character 😭)

I ran down the hallway into the bathroom. I locked the stall door, put the seat down, and plopped my sorry ass on the toilet. "fucking... dammit." They probably already told him who it was. My life was over. Who the hell would wanna talk to me after this? I may be the stupid angry guy who talked shit at a sports festival, but I'm still a person.

I hung my head low a 3rd time today. Defeated, the dam holding back the water broke. And as quietly as I could, I cried. Yes, Me, Katsuki Bakugo, cried. It was only about three drops as I heard the bathroom door open. I thought they were some random extra, so I held back my tears and waited for them to leave, but it wasn't someone I didn't know.

"Kacchan? Are you in here?" Hearing his voice made my stomach drop. My eyes widened; I didn't know what to say.

"N-No, I'm not, you d-damn nerd; get out!"I tried to make it sound like I wasn't silently crying in a fucking school restroom, but it didn't work very well.

"K-Kac... chan? Are you... crying?"

"NO, IM NOT L-LEAVE! O-... -OR ILL BLOW THIS P-PLACE UP!" I continued to yell at him, but he wouldn't leave.

Instead, he tried to calm me down. "Hey, Kacchan? Take a deep breath!"

"Like h-hell, I'll listen to -you."

"Breath in... and out."


"In and out."

I eventually gave in a breathed along with his words. His voice was soft, it didn't sound like what it did with Todoroki at all.

"Now, Kacchan, why are you crying?" I had a feeling he'd ask this. Deku started leaning against the stall, realizing I would never open it.

"It-... It doesn't concern you."

"No, I think it does. I'm in too deep now, I can't leave, or else I'll feel bad."

"If you dont shut the fuck up, I'm gonna give you a bad feeling on the side of your head." He laughed a bit. "*sigh* I guess I was just... mad."

"Mad at what?"


"Ha... Kacchan, could you be more specific?"He laughed through his words, and I just paused.

"Mad at-"

"Izuku, There you are! What were you doing?" Todoroki rushed into the bathroom. Deku laughed, and my blood boiled more. I've never talked to him like that before. It was... I don't know how to put it.

"Just thinking." He then walked out of the bathroom with Todoroki. He... didn't mention me at all? I smiled for the first time in my goddamn life. 

(jealous Bakugou?)

Word count: 1075

(ight this one edited 2)

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