Chapter 20 - Blank Expression

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Bakugo POV

He said visiting hours were from 4-7, and here I am right at 4 pm. I stood outside the hospital, thinking of how Todoroki probably went yesterday, and the fact I am even standing here is ruining Deku's life even more. 

Come to think of it, I thought I saw Endeavour's car in the parking lot. Maybe he's checking in on his wife? Actually, I don't think that's even possible. Then Todoroki is defiantly in this building. That makes me dread walking in more.

"Bakugo?" I turned around to see Uraraka. She clasped her hands together. "Are you finally coming in to see Deku?" She was wearing casual clothing but fancy enough for me to question how long it took her to change. We had just left school, so I was still wearing my uniform.

"Dreading it, but yeah," I admitted.  I shoved my hand in my pocket, not excited to see someone notice I was here. And knowing Uraraka, she's going to tell him no matter if I go in or not.

She walked closer to me. "Why dread it? I'm sure Izuku will be relieved to see you."I scoffed. Relieved my asshole. I'm the person who ruined his relationship, ruined Shoto's life, and basically started all of this. If anyone would be relieved to see me, it'd be them relieved to see my funeral.

"Were you relieved to see me?" I averted my eyes from Uraraka. She took a second to respond, really letting the sentence sit in. 

"I was relieved to see you were making a good choice." That's not exactly what I wanted to hear. "You don't make those very often." She laughed a little, but I wasn't in the mood to laugh too.

"You didn't answer the question." I insisted on her answer. She crossed her arms, looked up at me, and back down to the floor. She was pretty baffled that I'd be this insistent. 

She took a pause before responding, "To be honest, I was. I was getting worried you cut Deku out of your life." 

Without a second thought, I blurted, "I did." I turned my head away from her. If I can't convince myself, how was I expecting to convince anyone else? 

She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Then why are you here?" I got mad pretty quick. I turned back to her. I wanted to smack the smirk right off of her. I shrugged her off and clicked my tongue, walking straight into the hospital.

"Go get your man!" She yelled behind me. If Uraraka isn't going into the hospital with me, then I guess I'm on my own for now. 

The hospital was basically pristine. All the doctors looked focused as hell, knowing where they were going and what they were going to do. I felt very out of place. Even the floor was clean, I even saw someone mid-cleaning it. I felt like my steps made the floor 20 percent dirtier. 

I looked around for any sign of where the hell I was supposed to go. Everyone looked so organized, I didn't want to disturb them. Even the receptionists looked like they didn't want to be bothered. 

I just stood in the middle of the wall, leaning up against it, looking for an opening to ask someone where to find Deku. Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw his apparent red and white hair. Nothing made me want to leave faster.

I didn't dare turn to look. I saw him walking up to me, so close he was right in my ear. I could him breathing. He was so close to me that it was making me uncomfortable. My arm was on his chest, but I still didn't turn to him.  Nobody seemed to care or look at us.

"Turn to me, and you're dead." His voice sent chills down my spine. It carried nothing but pure hatred. He kept it low but deep so as not to alert anyone. I froze in place. He was no different than in the hallway that day. "Your little Izuku doesn't want me anymore. Isn't that funny?" He continued to whisper creepily.

"How is that my problem?" I remarked back. I kept my voice low as he did, but I didn't sound anywhere as menacing as he did. I looked at the wall opposite to him. 

"Oh, trust me, it is." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Look, I need you to do something for me." I shoved my hands in my pockets again. He made me sick; I could feel it deep in my stomach.

"Like fuck I'll ever help you." I pushed my elbow into his gut. Not hard, but enough to ruff him up. 

He laughed at my attempt. "I know what you did. And I'll tell everyone." My eyes widened, and my head filled with fuzz. I quickly changed from being scared as hell to being mad, staring at the floor tile.

"Fuck you," I muttered under my breath, gritting my teeth. 

"That's the Bakugo I know." He laughed again. This sick bastard; He's toying with me. If there weren't multiple people in this room I already would've punched this bitch. Then again, even if we were alone, I've already displayed twice that violence doesn't stop this guy.

I took my hands out of my pocket and crossed my arms. "The hell do you want from me?" 

"Nothing much, really."


"I'm not doing that, you asshole." I was constantly shaking. Just the thought of doing it made me tense up, not to mention he's practically forcing me into it. The only thing keeping me from falling was the wall.

I didn't even need to look at him to know he was smiling, watching me like this. "Remember what I know. Do you really want that leaked? How will you be a hero then?" I clenched my teeth harder.

"Deku will never love you," I uttered without thinking again, sinking my glare into the floor. He glued his hand on my shoulder. His fingers bled into my skin.

He leaned in closer and whispered, "And he won't ever love you either after this." My blood boiled, but his words sunk into my skin.

"I won't be your puppet."

"Oh? But you already are." He pushed himself off me with the hand on my shoulder, and that got people's attention. People didn't really matter to him or me anymore. "Tch." He muttered, no longer whispering. He speed-walked out of the hospital door with his hands clenched, my face still slightly white. He could've at least told me how to go see him.

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