Chapter 15 - Pumpkin Eater

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(stuff is about to go down fsjfoiesjfeosfjseofjosiefjseif (in case you dont understand the chapter name, 'Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater' is the whole saying.))

Todoroki POV:

I wish Izuku would explain further what's happening between us. I feel so in the dark about what he does; it's like we're not even dating anymore. I then get an out-of-the-blue text message from... Iida? Why would he be texting me now?

The message read, "Hey, Todoroki! Sorry to text so suddenly! - I wanted to discuss something rather important with you. Do you mind if I head over really quickly?" Important? What's so important with Iida? Did he forget his notes or something? 

"Yeah, sure, I don't mind," I responded. I knew it wouldn't take him long to get over here; his room was next to mine. But as soon as I texted that, he knocked. I went to open the door.

"Todoroki! Hello! May I come in?" Isn't that what you came for? I opened the door more and moved away, signaling him to go in. I had to be honest; this was quite awkward. I don't remember the last time I spoke to Iida, and here he is in my room about to tell me something apparently important. I didn't have huge expectations for this conversation.

I closed the door behind him as he started to look around. "We can just sit on my bed," I suggested. He then sat on my bed and stared at the wall like an NPC. "So why are you here?" I sat next to him as he started sweating and looking nervous. He didn't dare look away from the wall. 

"There's just... something I thought you needed to know." Something I needed to know? What would he know that I don't? I suddenly got really into the conversation. "I don't want to jump to conclusions, and don't get mad if I'm wrong, okay?"

Iida suddenly got serious and dropped his usual class-representative attitude. That only made me more concerned. "Could you at least tell me what this is about? I'm kinda lost."

"It's... about Midoriya." Izuku? "This is... harder to say than I thought." Iida stopped staring at the wall and now looked at the floor. He had his hands curled up and were on his knees. He looked really stressed.

"Are you okay? You look worried. I can get you a glass of water if you'd like." 

"No, I'm good. This is just hard to say." What the heck is so hard to say? I continued waiting patiently for his response. If Izuku needs help, I need to know. "I think Izuku might be..." Might be what? Spit it out, you stupid-... I mean, What's with the awkward pauses? "Cheating."

My eyes widened. My skin turned white, and my heart sank. He might be... cheating? No, he would never. "Iida, please say you're joking... It's not funny." I practically pleaded. It only made him tense up more. "W-What made you come to this?"

"A lot of stuff. But mainly what happened last night." Last night? What happened last night? Izuku went on a walk, and I heard him come back; nothing weird happened. I refuse to believe Izuku is cheating on me. "I was studying late last night. I looked out my window to look at the stars for a second, and that's when I saw two people kissing far from our dorm. I couldn't see who they were, so I shook it off." 

I tried to hold back my tears, but it didn't do me much good. As soon as one came through, they couldn't stop pouring and pouring. Not just physical tears but mental ones too. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea Izuku did something like that. "Then I saw them run back inside towards our dorms, so I thought it was you and Midoriya. That's when I heard him say, very faintly, Goodnight, Kacchan.

The pain inside my chest rose again. I put one hand on my chest and another on my forearm. It didn't help hold back the dam as my whole body tensed and leaned over. Iida put a hand on my back, and it helped a little bit. "You should probably go confront him about it. I will too. Again, I could be wrong." It was far-fetched, but Iida was always unerring. He wouldn't have told me if he wasn't sure.

"Can I be by myself right now, please? I need to think." I could barely say that sentence correctly with the massive amount of pain in my chest. He didn't say anything more and left. I wanted to scream, hit something, hit him. Not just Bakugo but Izuku as well. How could he do that to me? If he didn't want to be together anymore, just say something! I grabbed something random off my shelf and threw it at the wall, not caring about the noise or concern people would have.

It hit the wall with a bang. It sort of helped, so I did it again. And again. Every time it collided with the wall, it made a bang. Some made dents in the walls; some just bounced off. I then grabbed a picture of Izuku himself and almost threw it at the wall. But I stopped myself. 

I took a second and stared at it. I brought it down from over my shoulder and grabbed it with both hands. I crashed onto my knees and hit the floor. I held the picture over my head and covered the room with ice. It was like I had layered the room with ice. At the top of the room, I made the ice hit the picture so it was dangling from the roof. 

We needed to talk. I'm not waiting. I cleared an area to walk through the ice to the door with my fire-side and went straight towards Izuku's room. I didn't care about the fact everyone could tell I was crying, and I still was. I opened izuku's dorm forcefully, not caring if he refused.

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