Chapter 21 - What? (incomplete)

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- Bakugo POV

My thoughts ran through my mind. I was seriously going to faint; the only thing keeping me on my feet was the wall. Since that bastard left, no one seemed to pay attention to me, so I stood there, scared for what was to come. Eventually, a nurse noticed and walked in my direction.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you alright?" Her voice was shy and subtle, loud enough for me to hear. Her legs shook like she was scared of talking to me, and she clutched her clipboard with both hands. 

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I stood off the wall and barely held myself together, hands deep in my pockets again. "I was just here to visit someone." She smiled and looked up at me, relieved to see I was okay.

"Great! If you follow me, I'll get you checked in, and you should be able to meet with them in about 15 minutes or so." That sounds fucking perfect. But, at the same time, it doesn't. I don't want to meet Deku, not after what Todoroki's going to make me do. There's no way around it. He wire-tapped his phone and hid microphones around the room, so I couldn't tell him it was fake.

Every minute felt like 30 centuries, but time flew by like nothing. Eventually, I found an open seat and stared at the tile waiting for them to let me in. I couldn't think of anything but Deku. A couple of minutes ago, I was here by choice; now I'm fucking forced. I never should've come here.

"Katsuki Bakugo, Room 206 is ready." My mind was bottled up; I couldn't think of anything. I tried to think of something I'd say to him, but my mind went blank. What could I even say? I stood up in the chair and walked towards his room. I felt the pressure deep in my throat.

My hand lingered over the doorknob. I was frustrated I was having such a hard time trying to talk to him. I wouldn't be this nervous if Icy-Hot hadn't told me that or was listening to this conversation. And in a flash of a second, my hand grabbed the doorknob and twisted it to its max.

I opened it the slightest bit, enough to see inside but not enough for him to see me. 

- No POV

"Before I come in," "I just wanted to know if," "You actually want to see me right now."

"Kacchan? You're here?"

"Is it a yes or a no?"

"You're already here, so why make you turn around, right?"

"I'm glad you came, Kacchan. it's great to see-"

"What's so great about it, huh? No one at school wants to see me or that bastard."

"Kacchan? What?"

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE! Can't you see that? You could've told me something before we kissed! I thought what we were doing was fine!"

"W-What...? What are you?"

"We're over, Deku. This is the end. And I'm moving to class B so I never have to see your ugly ass again, You hear?" 

"You-... Please, Kacchan! I don't care if you don't talk to me, don't move classes! Please!"


"He'll... he'll do it again. Don't leave me like this."

"It's too late, Deku. Goodbye."

Keep It To Myself -I-  BKDK (discontinued, sad, cringe.)Where stories live. Discover now