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Since the Operation: Save Danah event from yesterday, there had been no known information about Rose

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Since the Operation: Save Danah event from yesterday, there had been no known information about Rose. The seven men still haven't returned to relay anything.

Today, Danah was discharged out of Vampire medical care, however she was going to be kept at the Royal Palace in secret for a while, knowing that if the Vampire community found out about her, gossip would go around.

Unfortunately, she still couldn't utilize her telepathy either.

To avoid any conflict in the Human realm, Minji told Danah's parents that they'd been having a sleepover and called their school using a fake parent voice that Danah contracted some sort of disease.

"Have you been here a lot?" Danah asks as she and her best friend venture throughout the royal palace.

"Of course, the person I was betrothed to lived here," Minji responds in a voice tinted with cringe.

They walked slowly due to Danah's fragile state, and Minji was ready to catch her whenever she would fall. "I still can't believe it," Danah confesses.

"Believe what?" Minji side eyes her, wondering what she meant.

"You're one of the last people I'd expect to stand here with me in a Vampire realm." It made Danah wonder how many other Vampires she befriended without knowing.

She somewhat felt betrayed because, all of those years together, Minji had lied to her and acted dumb whenever the topic of Vampires came up. But Danah knew it was for her safety.

Minji awkwardly chuckles, "Life's full of surprises." Danah simply nods.

The palace was quite beautiful. Because of Danah's seclusion under Rose, she had been despising this place, but the scenery here made her rethink her opinions.

The palace was mainly in the colour of red, not surprising. Each room was illuminated by braziers of fire in each tripod instead of candles which she found intriguing.

"Who is the ruler of the Royals?" Danah realizes she was in a king and queen's home. She didn't even know if she was welcomed.

"King Yang, Jungwon's dad." Minji informs her. Right, Jungwon literally told her this. All of a sudden, grand doors get slammed open behind them. "Speak of the devil," Minji curses underneath her breath.

The atmosphere changes quickly. The grand entrance stiffens up Danah, suddenly engulfing her into intimidation.

Minji instantly turns around and falls to one knee. "My lord," she looks down. She opens one eye and gestures Danah to get down as well. Lost, Danah mimics her best friend.

It was the King of the Vampires.

There was a moment of silence before King Yang speaks up, "Nice to see you again, Kim Minji. How are your parents? I haven't seen you since you denounced the wedding."

Minji gulps at the last part. Why did he feel the need to say that? Awkward, Danah bit her lip.

His voice was loud but powerful. He didn't sound like Jungwon at all. Judging from the aura he was presenting, he was a robust man with extravagant lustre. She was too intimidated to look.

"Pleasure is all mine. They're doing well. I know, what a pity," Minji was fast to respond in well-formulated sentences to all three of the king's remarks. This made Danah wonder if Minji had any distaste for the king.

King Yang chuckles, "At ease." When he says this, Minji gets up into a straight position and Danah staggers after her.

It was as if King Yang only comprehended Danah's presence now. He narrows his eyes on her, analyzing her. He sniffs, "You don't smell like one of us. I'm assuming you're her. I've heard much about you."

What did he hear about her? Furthermore, who would tell him anything about her? It's not like Jungwon was an expressive kind of person. This took Danah off-guard.

She then realizes that she was the only Human in the room... let alone the entire realm. Is this how Jungwon felt? He used to always be surrounded by her kind, now it was the other way around. "You are correct, I'm no Vampire. I'm Choi Danah, a Human." she pronounces.

The king's expression were hard to read, similarly to his son. However, he was tall, taller than Jungwon at that. To be fair, Jungwon is not finished growing yet. "What do you want with my son, Human?" he questions with his booming voice. It was as if the room quivered with everyone else.

That, Danah couldn't answer. It's not like she wanted to be here. She wondered if the king knew about the kidnapping and Rose.

Suddenly, a petite woman in a beautiful gown appears behind him. When she sees Danah and the fear in her face, she gasps. "Honey, Jungwon wouldn't be happy to learn that you're interrogating Ms Choi." Is that his wife? The queen?

"But—" King Yang tries to justify himself but earns a glare from his wife which instantly shuts him up. "Never mind. Choi Danah, welcome to our abode."

"My goodness, I've been wanting to meet you for a while!" Queen Yang professionally greets her with an embrace.

Danah didn't know how to react but hug her back. How do the Vampire king and queen know me to the point the queen is acting like we're old friends? Danah glances at Minji for any cues but she seemed as oblivious as she was.

Wait, I just realized that these are Jungwon's parents. This stumped Danah even more. Though, Jungwon definitely looked more like his mother.

"We haven't had a Human come over to our palace in years! We are quite thrilled that you seem comfortable," Queen Yang squeals. She was old but seemingly had a young soul.

The queen's excitement to see Danah suddenly reminds her that she could let her guard loose. The only Vampires that want to hurt Humans are the Strays. Now that she was with the pacifist Royals, she had no reason to be in fear anymore.

"Quite true, the last Human that came over was President of North Korea, Kim Il-sung, in 1950," King Yang nonchalantly says.

That was around 70 years ago, Danah thought. She eyes the king and queen and they looked like they were in their early 40s. I still need to get used to the Vampire age thing.

"How did our medical units care for you, Ms Choi? I made sure that you'd have a pleasurable stay after you experienced such a terrible ordeal," Queen Yang calms down and places a hand on Danah's shoulder.

A genuine smile appears on Danah's face, "I enjoyed. Thank you, I feel better than ever." Queen Yang sighs in relief.

Queen Yang hesitates to ask one more question, "Even though your stay here is quite aimable, do you miss home?"

Danah's smile somewhat fades. "Kinda," she confesses. "I really miss the sun, not gonna lie," she mentions how the Vampire realm lacked sunlight.

Minji, who was silent most of the time, wanted to say something when a different set of doors slam open. A guard announces, "Prince Yang has returned!"

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