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After spending time together in the garden, they ended up in Jungwon's room as the night became too cold for Danah to withstand

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After spending time together in the garden, they ended up in Jungwon's room as the night became too cold for Danah to withstand.

They laid side-by-side on his bed, however they did not speak a single word for a while. Instead, they were appreciating the fact they were were in each other's presence.

Danah was thinking about her fear of tomorrow, while Jungwon was in thought of now. He wasn't so worried about Infiltration: Rose because he was confident in the plan and and in his partners.

What did interrupt his bliss, however, was the fact that all of this had to happen. If the circumstances were different, then no pain has to be suffered. Their situation was like this because of him.

"Sometimes I wish I was a Human," Jungwon hesitantly blurts out which breaks the silence.

This catches Danah off guard. "Why's that?"

"Life would be easier," he shortly presses his lips into a thin line.

"Being a Human doesn't make life any easier, though." Danah wasn't sure what his point was.

He realizes he worded his point wrong. "It's just that I wish we weren't in such a heavy situation like this. Do you know what I deeply wish for, Danah?"

He finally looks at her, resting his cheek on the bed. She does the same, "What do you deeply wish for?"

"That I could live a normal life — That you and I could be a normal couple," Jungwon confesses. She could see his eyes screaming 'will you one day grow tired of me because of who I am?'

He wasn't wrong. If they were both Human, none of them would've been involved in this situation.

They could be doing regular girlfriend-boyfriend things right now, but instead they're mentally preparing for an attack they've planned.

A moment of dreams enter Danah's mind. In them, she sees her and Jungwon visiting arcades together and even going on multiple rollercoasters.

All the possibilities of couple things she yearned for when she was younger were crushed because she fell in love with a Vampire.

Danah wanted to imagine Jungwon screaming on the hypothetical rollercoaster rides and her laughing at him, but she couldn't. Deep down, she knew that he had gone through enough to even react to measly theme parks.

They could never be a normal couple.

Still, Danah wanted to see the positivity in their situation, although she did wish that they were a normal couple. She exhales out deeply. "We will be, after tomorrow."

After this, Jungwon doesn't say anything. He simply nods and looks back up at the ceiling as if he were thinking about what she said.

She had a feeling that he was worried of her possibly leaving him because he was a Vampire, so she wanted to remove those thoughts.

She then remembers some concepts she's seen when she read about Vampire fiction, "Mark me then."

This time, Jungwon is caught off guard. "Huh?" he looks at her with confusion.

She quickly becomes flustered. "I mean — I know what you're thinking, Jungwon. You're scared of me leaving you."

His eyes darken, basically confirming Danah's statement.

"Also, I heard yours and Minji's conversation a while back."

He thinks a bit and then realizes quickly after, "How much did you hear?

"Everything." His heart dropped, internally cursing himself.


"Don't worry, I didn't and I don't take it the wrong way. You guys needed that talk," she tells him.

He was in awe. At this, he gets up and shuffles through his personal drawer. She watches him do so, wondering what the point was.

Then, he plops back onto the bed with a wooden stick in his hand. "I want you to have this," he licked his lips.

Danah couldn't completely comprehend what exactly it was for a bit. "Is that..."

"A realm teleporter," he confirms. "This is mine, but I can always get another one. I'm a prince, after all."

She hesitantly takes it from him. "Thank you." This meant that she could visit him whenever she wanted and leave. "But don't I need a license?"

"Again, I'm the Prince." He smirks. Danah chuckles along with him until she notices his smile fade once more, lost in thought.

He's scared that I'll use the stick and never come back, she thought. Setting it aside, she faces him.

She assures him, "I want you to know that I'll never leave you. With our without a teleporter. I've heard that Vampires bite each other to signify that they are each other's territories. I can't bite you, but you can bite me. That way, I'll be yours. Don't worry, I already know you're mine."

Jungwon couldn't believe it. After the traumatizing thing they went through a while back, she was asking him to bite her again? "Are you on something?" he innocently asks.

She chuckles, "No. I am perfectly fine and am being serious."

He admires her confidence. "You'd definitely make a great queen," he chuckles. If they couldn't be a normal couple, they could be an extravagant one: a Royal couple.

"You'd make a great king," she returns the compliment. She thinks about what it's like being a queen until she realizes what she was trying to do. She points at her neck, "Let's get this over with."

Jungwon sighs, "Vampires indeed bite each other to show romance, but you're Human. Can you take it?"

"I've taken it before, what makes you think I can't now?" Danah had so much trust in him. She knew that he would never drink her blood to the point he'd kill her. "Besides, I need to cover up the old one."

The last statement was what really drove Jungwon to agreeing. "Okay."

Hesitantly, he gets up and positions himself on top of her. He looks at her then to her neck.

Before doing anything else, he slowly brings his head down to place multiple kisses on her several different areas of her neck.

Danah slowly blinks as if preparing herself, she tugs down on her collar to reveal the previous bite mark.

Heaving a deep breath at seeing it, he thinks about how he never wants to see it again. Before he proceeds, he tells her "I love you."

At that, he lowers his head and bites her neck. Pain begins engulfing Danah but it quickly turns to beautiful sensations.

Her body naturally trembles, so her arms begin uncomfortably moving around. Noticing this, Jungwon grabs both of her arms and pins them down.

He was constricting her movement in case she'd instinctively push him off and accidentally injure her neck.

Her breaths quiver as he extracts blood from her. It wasn't near to as much as he did prior, but she was still losing blood nevertheless.

Weirdly enough, she felt good. She felt like this was bonding them closer together. She didn't know what Jungwon was feeling at the moment, but she truly felt that they could work. She had grown to love him and his home.

Since he was so close to her, she felt his breathing on her neck. He seemed to have relaxed as well, his muscles lost tension.

Then, Jungwon's teeth retract and he heaves out breaths onto her neck. He falls to his side and pulls him close to her. "You okay?"

Danah softly smiles, nuzzling her face unto his chest. "Perfect." He gets relieved by this, placing a peck on her forehead.

Finally, they are able to sleep.

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