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YEAR 2034

"You can do this, baby." Danah looks at her son with so much hope in her eyes. "Just imagine a home like ours, except with Vampires."

It had been five months since she had noticed that her son had Vampire powers, and one of them was to teleport. She found this out one day when he begged her so much to go to Disneyland then all of sudden they were there.

"If I do, will I meet Papa?" Dawon innocently bit his lower lip. He had only heard of Jungwon through his mother's stories, but he didn't know what he looked like.

Danah nods, "Yes. He's out there somewhere, waiting for us." That was partly a lie, Jungwon definitely doesn't know he is a dad... yet. "He will be so excited to meet you."

"If he would be so excited to meet me, why didn't he come himself?" Dawon frowns to himself.

Danah's heart drops to her stomach. "It's just because he doesn't have the power that you have," she attempts to be enthusiastic. "Don't think that way, baby."

"Okay, mommy." he tries to imitate her energy. "I'm excited to see what he looks like!"

"That's the spirit," she giggles, poking his dimple that he got from his dad. "You're also going to meet Auntie Minji~"

"I'm so excited to see her!" he exclaims with two fists in the air.

"Me too," Danah softly says, planting a kiss on his forehead. "Let's do it?"

Dawon nods, "Yes." With that, he closes his eyes and imagines the Vampire realm that Danah described to him so thoroughly.

It wasn't long before a whirlwind of magical dust engulfs the mother and son. Danah flinched from the sudden rapidness so she holds on to Dawon who was too focused to notice.

In a matter of seconds, they were no longer in their living room but in a place only familiar to Danah. Dawon opens an eye then the other, "Where are we?"

Danah felt so many different emotions at once. She looks around, smiling ear to ear. "We are at your daddy's castle." By now, Jungwon would have been king.

"Wow!" Dawon claps. Overjoyed but uncertain, Danah grabs her son's wrist and takes him to where the throne would be. Although it had been twelve years since she'd last been here, she remembered every place like she'd been here yesterday.

Suddenly, her mind was stimulated with beautiful flashbacks; The memories she had, when she was 18 years old, of her youth that belonged to Yang Jungwon.

So that they'd move faster, Danah carries Dawon and continues to run at a fast pace. She comes to a sudden stop when in front of the door she was looking for. Behind it, she could hear muffled but familiar voices.

"I think we should have mint chocolate for tomorrow's event!" That was Sunoo.

Danah couldn't help but make sure she looked good. She puts Dawon down to prep her hair and outfit. She hasn't seen Jungwon in a while, so she wanted to be presentable.

"Definitely not, no mint choco." That was Sunghoon's voice.

"Never." Jake. He had such a distinct voice due to his leaking Australian accent.

"Why not?" Niki! "Sunoo hyung would eat it all anyway." This earns him an annoyed scoff from Sunoo.

"Jungwon would definitely want Mom is an Alien ice cream," Jay brings up.

Hearing that name, Danah couldn't take it anymore. She bursts through the door, Dawon beside her.

Everyone in the room snaps their faces to her direction, not expecting a guest at all. Furthermore, she was the last person they'd expect.

Lovers in the Night | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now