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"You're getting better," Jungwon compliments her

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"You're getting better," Jungwon compliments her. A few days have passed, and the prince had a plan. He decided to infiltrate Rose's headquarters using Minji's tracking skills.

The plan was to sneak up on Rose and arrest her. Simple. No bloodshed, no war. In preparation, Jungwon was training Danah in combat.

"Don't flatter me," Danah annoyedly says, struggling to break the stack of wood set before her.

"It took me years to master taekwondo, it certainly won't come as fast to you as you want." Jungwon spoke logical facts. "We just need you to be to adequate."

"I don't want to just be adequate," Danah frowns. She doesn't want to only learn how to defend herself. "I want to help."

"You can help by not getting yourself killed," Jungwon responds in a half-joking matter.

"You're not funny," she furrows her brows, reverting her focus on the thick wood pieces.

"No, I'm being rational." He sounded more serious at this point. "You don't have to join us, you know. You can stay here when we go since your Rose's main target."

"I don't like feeling useless," she pronounces. "You can't stop me. I'm coming whether you like it or not."

All of a sudden, a loud whistle is made by one of the seven boys at the corner of the training room. "Your girl is feisty!" Jake cheers.

"For the love of Count Dracula— I didn't know you had it in you, Jungwon!" Heeseung joins in.

Sunghoon shouts, "My boy is all grown up! He's ready to be king!" At hearing this, Jungwon smirks. It's no secret how much he's looking forward to becoming "promoted" from Prince.

"Human boys definitely drool over Danah," Heeseung chuckles to himself.

Jungwon gets slightly frustrated both Danah and his friends, but he brushes them off, instead planting a kiss onto Danah's forehead.

"Don't say those things," Jay lightly pushes them with a playful expression. "Jungwon might turn your insides into your outsides."

"You guys are creeps," Minji rolls her eyes, her eyes landing on Jay.

"I'm literally defending Danah?!" Jay was automatically triggered into rage and defensive mode by her statement.

"Literally who asked, Minji noona? Not me, not him, not him either, nor him, and certainly not him, not anybody!" Niki exclaims.

"My existence seems to bother you, little boy." Minji taunts, using their one yet age difference. "You should be respecting me right now. Don't you remember that y'all were the ones who begged me to help y'all track Danah?"

"Blah blah blah blah," he mimics her higher pitched voice. "Ms 5'7 has so much to say about someone who is literally 6'1."

"Do you want to die?!" she yells as if trying to actually threaten him.

"Can you guys calm down?" Sunoo scoffs.

"No one is talking to you!" they both exclaim in unison.

Danah couldn't help but find these interactions funny. The dynamic of everyone in the room surprisingly complimented each other in terms of chaotic energy.

Although they argued a lot, everyone was unexpectedly slowly growing closer to each other.

This reminded her of Minji and Jungwon's conversation a while back. Now that they didn't hate each other as much, it was more playful.

"If you guys have so much to say, why not help me train Danah?" Jungwon calls them out. He tried to make his statement come off as a joke, but there was a hint of frustration at the scene they were causing.

"I'm good," Danah was quick to state. "I don't need eight people arguing over each other."

"You think I would entertain their dumb fights?!" Jungwon sounded offended.

"You are who you hang out with," Danah tells him a popular saying.

"Sheesh," Jake hypes her up.

After training, Danah was taking a shower in Jungwon's shower. She didn't like the feeling of being all sweaty and dirty, so she has a shower everyday now because her training was everyday now.

She usually showered in Minji's temporary room because she stayed there with her, but Minji was busy so she decided to do it at Jungwon's.

When finished, she does her process for skincare with Jungwon conveniently had. He even had a blow dryer for her.

When she reaches for clothes, she realizes there was none. What? Panicked, she looks around the entire bathroom for an outfit to wear.

She had forgotten to ask Minji for extra pairs of clothes. After her Danah escaped Rose, Minji had been lending her clothes for the meantime. Danah had forgotten to ask for more.

Fortunately for her, she found underwear and shorts and put them on immediately. Sadly, she couldn't find any tops.

This is embarrassing. It wasn't like she could just walk out half-naked. Plus, Minji was training right now.

Defeated, she knocks the bathroom door to call for Jungwon's attention. "Jungwon?" she whines.

"Yes?" He was quick to answer, already walking towards the door.

I am ashamed. "Do you have any clothes I can borrow for a bit?" she asks. "I realized I forgot to ask Minji for tops and she's busy right now so..."

Jungwon instantly got the memo. "Uh, I'll look around," he awkwardly tells her.

"Thank you." She wanted to punch herself in the gut.

Unbeknownst to Danah, Jungwon's face was tomato red due to the thought of her being half-naked. Stop thinking about it, he mentally curses himself as he looked through his wardrobe.

He finds a black Essentials hoodie and decides to let her wear it. He walks towards the bathroom door with it, "Here."

Danah slightly opens the door ajar and snatches it from him, in fear that she might accidentally flash him. "Thanks again!"

"No problem." He sounded so monotone, but in reality he was flustered. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Okay!" Danah responds. Jungwon walks towards his bed and falls onto it, groaning. What an awkward interaction!

On the other side of the door, Danah was mentally cursing her clumsiness.

A few minutes later, Danah sheepishly comes out with his hoodie on. Jungwon eyes her up and down, biting his lower lip. "Nice."

"Thanks," she timidly says. The hoodie was extremely loose: the sleeves were as long as her arms and a half and the hem covered parts of her legs.

Jungwon was exhilarated. Seeing Choi Danah in his clothes made him feel a certain way, and he didn't know how to go about it.

His imagination started going wild.

He didn't realize he was staring for a while until Danah calls him out, "How long are you going to look at me for?"

He snaps out his daze, "Sorry."

Danah suddenly felt even more embarrassed, she wanted to escape it. "I'll get going, thanks for letting me use your bathroom."

"No problem." He seemed to say 'No problem' a lot whenever he was nervous.

"Bye," Danah scurries off, slamming the door.

When she was gone, Jungwon falls flat onto his bed, covering his face. He was deeply flustered; He wasn't used to the feeling of such fluffy moments. "What am I going to do," he sighs.

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