Lonely Day

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"AHHHHHHH WHO PUT THIS GUM ON MY DESK?!" The girl who loves complaining in y/n's class shouted. Y/n was just dreamily drawing The Onceler and she saw the girl immediately angrily marched at her, "YOU. IT WAS YOU AGAIN." "Um sorry but no, I'm literally just drawing here." Y/n angrily sighed, she always gets the blame for everything, does not know why people do that to her. Her classmates started saying "it was not her" "oh please stop blaming everyone in here" "you have been putting all of us in blame since kinder when are you going to stop"
"Also, you were the one who put that gum on your desk. Do you like, have amnesia or something?" Y/n continued. The girl scoffed at y/n and took a glance at y/n's drawing that was covered by her hand. "Mhm, may I see your drawing?" "Why would you like to see my drawing,," "Oh I know why you do not share your drawing, it's because you're drawing the grinch! I mean, look at that green color and it's long!" The bully exclaimed. "No it's not the grinch!! Also please stop being a nosy person it annoys everyone in here, be an annoying human somewhere else." y/n roll eyed. All her classmates were shocked because she rarely confronts people especially the complain girl.

Today was a rainy afternoon in school, and I love rainy weather, it makes me calm and I can think easily. I was just drawing peacefully while relaxing with the rainy weather but why does she got to ruin this perfect day for me, I guess it's just me who loves rainy days, people here in the classroom hates rain. I mean, they do make a point though, rain makes everything wet and we cannot go out to play and enjoy the sun, but I just don't know why I love rain. All I know is I will directly lay on my bed after school.
After hours of boring subjects, the time finally ended. A girl that I do not even know just approached me and talked about the bully girl while I packed my things. I actually was just zoning out, not really listening to what she was saying. "-So yeah? I hope you are alright with her..." the only words that I heard from her after zoning out. "u-uhh,, yeah I guess.." I picked up my bag and wore it on my back and opened my umbrella once I got out of the school. I silently walk home while the rain got stronger. I felt a vibration in my pocket and I reached to it, mom was calling.


Hey honey, are you out of school?

Yeah mom, I just got out. I'm starting to walk going home.

Alright, just make sure you don't get wet. Oh by the way, your dad and I have a double shift today and we might get home late,, maybe at midnight? There's (fav food) at the fridge for your dinner honey, take care of yourself. I love you.

I love you too mom,,


Mom hanged up the phone and I finally reached home. I have a spare key with me and I opened the door. I immediately took a bath and changed into my favorite comfy clothes, I checked the time, hmm, 4:00,, good thing I walked as early as possible because I would've been struck by a lighting since the rain has become more worse. I do not like today, well at least the rain made me felt a bit better. I did my homework and reached for my food in the fridge and I brought my food upstairs in my room, I do not want to eat downstairs alone,,

I was eating in my room while looking out the window, watching raindrops as they race at each other. I have nothing else to do and a great idea just popped up in my head, I will watch my most favorite movie since i was a kid! I put down my food on my table and quickly grabbed my usb from my drawer and put on The Lorax. I watched happily like a kid, having small jumps while sitting down on my carpet. I was squealing while waiting for The Onceler's turn on the screen. When his young form was shown on the screen, I jumped and screamed and I was not embarrassed, I do not need to care about people hearing me or anything, I was just alone in my house. I sat back down and munching on my food again. "na na nanana na, whoop pa pa doo doo doooo," I heard him sing through my tv. Gosh, just hearing his voice makes me feel giddy, oh how I wish he was real. I was watching him cut a truffula tree and him separating each tufts to make his thneed. Gosh, I've watched this movie like a billion times since I was a kid, and I just don't get tired of watching it. I literally watched the movie just for the plot, the Onceler.

I saw the Lorax's hands in the truffula tuft that Onceler was holding, he noticed this and Onceler got startled. The screen did not showed Onceler once he fell down and my TV glitched. I thought it was only the bad weather ruining the cable,, wait I don't even use cable to watch movies I watch using usb!! How and why is my tv in hang- I stood up and went to the tv and touched it, suddenly I felt a strong vibration from the tv and a gust of very strong wind came out of my tv, that is very impossible of a strong wind to come out of it, I thought. It pushed me and I bumped at my bed. I felt very unconscious because of the strong wind. There was something on top of me, but I did not really cared about it because I felt so weak to even open my eyes or move. The last thing that I heard was an ugh of a person's voice before I swooned, probably a boy..

All You Thneed Is Love ~ Onceler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now