Chapter 25

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They all reached home on thier private plane and athy went to her room exhausted as well as others.. Helena went back to her home and cabel went to his room in which he used to stay with lucas, now alone since lucas stays in athy's.

Lucas was about to enter the room but claude dragged him out .

" what's it uncle..?" he asked as he, claude, felix and cabel who is half asleep but forced to come out of the room  are now taking a walk along the seashore..

" you.. Don't stay in the same room with my daughter.. I only allowed you to date her not to sleep together" he said and lucas stared at him dumbfounded

"but we already did" he said nonchalantly which made everyone stop walking and cabel who is half asleep. Until then  flinched  hearing him and felix gulped down staring at lucas and claude

"what did you said just now.?" claude asked his voice is stern and they got chills from his glare more than the winter breeze ..

"no.. Nothing uncle.. He is just exhausted.. Don't worry I will keep him in our room.. He won't go to athy's room at night rest assured "

cabel said clinging to lucas 's arm and lucas stared at him annoyed. He pushed cabel away and stared at claude irritated and they both  are having a staring contest  .. Felix and cabel stared at them in fear of  what if they starts a fight..but suddenly to their surprise lucas  started whining to him like a five years old whivh made them shocked  and they giggled at the same time

" uncle.. Why are you being like this... We are dating for so long and I stayed with her all this while why am I suddenly not allowed to..?" he asked following claude who is walking ahead

" now that I am here.. You can't" he said and lucas clinged to his arm ..

" why am I not allowed...?" he whined

" because you guys are not married" he said

"then let me marry her" lucas said which made  the three stare at him surprised

"what..?" claude asked halting at him but lucas looked so calm and his eyes showed determination

" I am gonna marry her one day anyways.. So let me marry her quickly so that I can stay with her that's  all I want" he said and claude stared at him with a blank face

" no" he said and the other three sighed  in frustration

"uncle.. Please.. I can't live without sia... Why are you tormenting me with so  many rules Seriously..?! "

lucas whined frsutarted and he went silent when he saw claude's eyes

" I won't come in between you two" lucas said and claude's eyes wided in surprise

" uncle.. I know what you have been worried about but that won't happen.. It's true I love her so much that I can't live without her and I know that's the same for you.. So I won't come in between you and your daughter.. Even if I marry her, she will always be your daughter. who am I to snatch her away from you..? So you can be rest assured.. She is and always will be your daughter before she is my wife "

he said.. Claude looked into his eyes which is showing his honesty and he slowly smiled at him

" so.. Just say yes OK..?hmm.?please uncle you know what.. I never once pleaded to anyone you are the first "

he said and felix giggled happily.. He kept whining to claude and he stopped walking and turned towards lucas and sighed

" only if my daughter accepts.. You can marry her. But don't you dare go back in your words.. She is always my daughter "he said and lucas smiled so bright as if moon landed on the shore.. So bright and happy

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