Chapter 14

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" why did you send an email like that..? When You can just call him with your private number." felix asked

"I still don't believe him enough to use my private number.."claude replied in a dry tone.

" yeah.. When we came to know that athy has a boyfriend I was also shocked but not more than when we found that little brat was from mafia.."

felix said and still there is no reaction from claude.He talked after a moment of silence

" did you remember the guy who found out the whereabouts of that filthy bastard two years ago..?"

claude asked his voice filled with rage which brought goosebumps to felix.

"Yeah.. I do.. why are you suddenly asking about that..?" felix asked

" it's this guy .." claude said in a low voice and felix was silent for a moment.

" are saying the guy who helped us to find that murderer bastard was this Lucas..?!! The one you made a deal with was a mafia boss from US..?" felix asked gasping.

"yeah.. When I found that murderer bastard was a foreigner, I told Salvatore to track down that filthy bug in exchange for keeping his Korean assets intact .. He said he will send his boys to help me track him down.. And that's how we were able to find him.."

claude said and felix let out a relieved sigh.

" I see.. May be he isn't that bad.. " felix mumbled and claude scoffed.

" he helped me track down a guy who we national intelligence agents can't do even with ten hackers but that brat was a genius hacker who have the ability collapse even a nation's security...he helped me because of the deal and now he is dating my daughter..? It's suspicious to say it's a coincidence.. If that bastard have any ulterior motives and was deceiving my daughter I will make sure I bury him beside that filthy bastard he helped me to find"

claude said and felix gulped

" so you want to meet him at your house..? Why your house..?" felix asked.

" to find out the truth.. And if he is deceiving I am gonna bury him there .."

Claude said in a nonchalant tone and felix sighed.

"You can't bury a person like you are making breakfast claude.. For athy's sake, please be patient don't jump into conclusions"

felix said and claude sighed.

"enough of your nagging"

claude said as he walked out of their office and they went back home... After some time they saw lucas and cabel standing outside their home talking to the security guard through monitor ..

"wow dude

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"wow dude...they must be filthy rich to call a luxury hotel their house "

caby whispered looking at the house they are standing in front of..

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