Stranger - [Hiccup]

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I hope Part Two is coming along well! I'll admit, I'm pretty scared it might not be as good as the first one. Guess we'll have to see!

- LoL, music

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Berk had come a long way since its dark days.

Once, it had been a land of utter destruction, where killing was a must be either day or night. The skies would often be ablaze with fires from dragons or Vikings trying to defend what was theirs. Cries of war managed to overthrow the powerful crashes of the sea and the wonderful sceneries one could experience in the morning. Peace would be ruined as soon as those patrolling the island's boundaries played the Warning Horns.

But now, as the young Chief let out a sigh at the sight that filled his vision- a place that even his ancestors would've never imagined-, his mouth curled upward into a smile.

The first-ever dragon-Viking utopia.

An island where, no matter how big or small, ferocious or playful, dragons would be accepted into the Berkian society with open arms. An island that had adjusted to receive and take care of fantastical beasts at any time of the day.

Most of them, if not all, were rescued during dragon raids, an activity that still hurt Hiccup's heart to the very core. Most of them had to be done during nighttime hours, mainly because the darkened sky rendered them almost invisible. And as much as he hated seeing dragons caged against their will and being treated horribly by Dragon Hunters, he couldn't deny the excitement the rescues brought him.

Since he'd been bestowed the position of Chief, Hiccup had less time to himself. Back in his home, multiple scrolls filled with inventions he wished to start were left on the drafting process. Before, he'd mount on Toothless and enjoy the morning breeze in their daily flight. But now, he only rode his best friend whenever it was necessary.

True enough to form, he missed the old days.

Where he wasn't entitled to everyone's worries. When he was responsible for his own decisions and actions. He missed messing up without dragging the entire village down with him.

He then faltered.

I mean, I did destroy those wooden bridges with a giant blazing torch.

The memory of when he was considered the village runt brought upon a wave of self-reflection. Back then, he loathed that he wasn't part of the Viking society. He hated himself for not being as strong as his father, Stoick. He wished, days and nights, upon having the same raw strength or courage as the others.

He wanted to kill a dragon. So much.

His forest-green eyes shifted upward, where he saw the new island he'd built under his leadership. Even from afar, he could see dragons and Vikings soaring across the setting sky. Even from his spot atop the tall cliff at the outskirts of the village, laughter sprung like a chorus.

And Hiccup found himself thanking the gods that he was different. That both he and Toothless were different.

Because no dragon had ever dared to form a bond with a human. And no Viking had ever dared to befriend a fire-breathing beast.

"Oh, so here's where you are."

A new voice pierced through his train of thoughts and made Hiccup stare upward. Gliding through the soft Berkian winds was a large blue female Deadly Nadder. Through her spikes, the Chief managed to see a person atop her with a grin etched to her mouth.

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