Chapter 7

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I was escorted to the HR department again. I was given a new ID and a half hour lecture before I was taken to wear a rookie uniform. I was a ride along for the time being. I was paired with a man in his thirties. He had dark brown hair, had a permanent scowl on his face, clean shaven and was jacked up. When he saw me he smiled as though his birthday had come early. I asked if I could just go back to the lab and analyze stuff again. The chief kindly pushed me forward. The guy I am riding with gave me a list of things that I must do before we leave the building. He sat in the driver seat and I sat next to him. He can tell I didn't want to be here but he ignore it.

We drove off to see construction sites where werewolves and human were building either apartment complexes or houses. We drove past a group that were talking about me so I asked him to stop the half a block away. He ignored me so I told him that those are people from machine city so I need to know what they are up to so I can mount a counteroffensive. He still ignored me so I used my walkie talkie to ask the chief for a different person to ride with. He immediately stopped the car and let me out.

I eavesdropped on what they had in mind. They now know that I am fast. They assumed that the speed at which I went made it look as though I was invisible. This is something I withheld in my video interview so they guessed that it was involuntary. They decided to find out if I had stealth capabilities. Since their observation has shown that I do things by instincts it is possible that I didn't know that I was using some of my gifts. I happily chuckled as I listened to their ideas. Some were funny as a circus clown. Some were more dreadful.

Today they were going to set a condemned building on fire and see how I react. If others show up they will be shot to death. I swore like a sailor and used my cellphone to call it in. By the time these creeps got to their destination they were met with the fire department and the SWAT team. The chief asked where we were and the training officer gave the location. The chief came with someone else. I was told that this is my new trainer. She looked as an ex pro wrestler. The woman had less of a scowl but she was eager listener. The other guy wanted to argue but the chief wouldn't have it. He was given a different cadet. When they left the chief made a few ground rules. If I hear anything bad I should be allowed to investigate to stop troublemakers in question. In exchange I should obey the rules laid out by my training officer. I happily agreed to his terms. I extended my hand to her and she accepted it.

I tried to sit in the passenger side seat but she told me to drive the car. So I complied. We drove around to see a man loitering in one corner near the dumpsters. I pointed him out and she gave me a few tips. I followed her instructions and found his drug stash and his money. We were on our way back to the cop car when I heard gun fire. I quickly turned the car around. I used the radio and declared that I heard shots fired. I extended my senses to see a woman bleeding on the floor while man was dragging a kid. I asked the officer if there was a short cut since the woman was dying and the kid was screaming for help. We hit a road block so the T.O. called it in. Other officers reached the scene and managed to block him from taking the kid away. By the time we reached them the woman was bleeding badly and she was in so much pain. I extended my fangs to bite her. It was a simple thing to do. In no time my venom glands would start to release venom that would calm her down. She would go from screaming in pain to overwhelmed with joy. I could lick the bite mark and the holes would seal it self. But the ambulance arrived and took her away. My T.O. asked me if I was ok. I explained that I wanted to use my venom to calm her down. My T.O. argued that she might change into whatever I am. I explained that my venom can't change anyone into what I am. It will only get high. I tested samples of my saliva and venom in the lab to be sure. She was impressed. The chief was not impressed but he said nothing. The woman made it the hospital safely and she was operated on.

The rest of the day was spent with me in the side passenger seat while she drove the car. I extended my senses as much as possible or I retracted them whenever I felt it was the right thing to do. She asked me how it was possible that I can't change others to be like me. I explained that it is law of nature. The natural species can produce the next generation while the mix breed are always sterile. For example the liger. They half lion and half tiger. They can't have kids. The same rule for me Sasha. I am content being one of the few that are like this. I was told in brief that there was one other person that was like me. He didn't like that the fact he was changed into a hybrid by force. He is hiding with his girlfriend.

I know that in the end I will have go into hiding as well since both Saber and machine city won't stop their experiments. They will just keep trying. I understand that being unique can cause others to be upset that they can't be same thing. But here's where things are weird. It is when they change that they let ideas go into their heads and innocent people have died. The only reason the vampires haven't hunted me is because I understand the rules. I will not violate them under any circumstances. I maybe immature in some ways but I grew up with a police officer so I understand that actions have consequences. It's like Newton's third law of motion. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. She didn't seem to like that but she didn't say anything till we moved a few blocks. She asked me if there were others. I explained that both sides tried to create weapons to eradicate the other side but in the end the thing that their creation had kill innocent people. The other hybrid and I are the only ones that had refused to hurt anyone. So far I have only killed zombies and werewolves. I have not harmed a human. My record is spotless. She asked me what would happen if I had bit her. I laughed as I explained that I wouldn't drink from her. I explained that I would just sink my teeth into her and release my venom that has high amounts endorphins and dopamine. I have trained myself to do that over the years when I was hiding with my friends. She was surprised to hear that.

I told her that I am preparing to leave soon because I am sure that these people will try something that will convince people that I am a threat. I will be hunted by the police and others. I will hunted like game. This time they have some information to their advantage which means that I will have to be creative when I leave. The T.O. made it clear that it won't come to it.

We came back to the precinct and saw that Mr. King had arrived to join the cops. He had the little girl I rescued. I realized that the kid was his daughter. I walked past him and handed in my body cam which the chief took to his office. He sat down to watch everything from my prospective. I wrote down the report and changed back to my usual clothes. I walked out to hear a distinct sound. I followed the sound to the roof. I extended my senses and saw those new zombies were coming. The machine city were herding these things to their death by driving them to the sea. Our city was one of the routes these scientists had decided to use find out about whatever I could do. When they reached the edge of the city I heard a voice that said activate the sirens. I stuffed my fingers in my ears. And I felt the sirens vibrating through my bones. They rang for sixty seconds and then they stopped. I watched drones flew in the air. One of them turned to go in my direction but it saw me and immediately changed to go a different path. I sensed around and saw people were on the street so I tried to fly and rescue them but I was stopped by the chief reminding me that it could be a trap. I couldn't let those innocent people die so I flicked his hand but others stopped me. I was pinned to the ground and I heard the screams of innocent people as they were being rip them apart. I cried as I felt those things killing innocent people. They were trying to fight the sound that was driving them towards the sea.

An hour later those things were dead and I asked them why I was not allowed to help. It turns out that all the people who were outside that got ripped out were people from Saber and machine city. Everyone in LA were safely in their houses. One of the waitresses had heard what these guys were up to and the locals were informed. They didn't believe it till I called it in to say that a building was gonna catch fire. I also listed the ideas they had included to destroy this city. This is one of the ideas they had talked about. So they took it seriously and organizing the lockdown of the city. The video from my body cam gave him an insight to organize half of the lockdown. All they had to do to make sure I wasn't taken hostage. I thanked them profusely for their kindness. I asked them for one favor. Next time keep me in the loop. They happily agreed.

I am hybrid 2 Acceptance Where stories live. Discover now