Chapter 8

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I arrived at work the next day and I saw that the scientists had shown up to give me a piece of their minds. I had helped people when the siren was blaring through the air at a previous time but this time I had chose to ignore it. And because of that several people from machine city died. They were upset that they couldn't acquire me but they were even more upset that their own had died too. They wanted to yell at me but before they had the chance they were told that I was pinned down. I had no desire to fight them off because I trust them. I stayed down till they saw fit to let me go. To them this information was utter nonsense. In their opinion I could have punched my way to rescue them. They saw me and started to yell at me. I punched in the code and showed them the body cam footage so I confirmed what the police corroborate had said. I only showed them bit where I was pinned down not the conversation. They stared at me with intense hatred and left to go to Astute. It is another city that is close to Otonomous. It is one of the five cities that make up machine city. The others being Codex and Sherlock. They turned around and looked at me with resentment and I cheerfully waved at them. They fumed as they walked out the door.

The chief asked me how old I was. I explained that I stopped counting the day I became this. He asked me how old I was when I changed. I casually mentioned that my transformation was completed on my fifteenth birthday. He gave me a testy look and said, "Figures" I tilted my head out curiosity and he asked me to put on my uniform and go patrol the city. I asked him if I could go to back forensics please. He said he felt it was better if I was out there protecting the people than staying close to unstable chemicals. I made a sad face but he was adamant. So I stomped towards the lockers to change my clothes. I was angry while I checked the police car or shop as they call it for damage or anything left behind from the previous shift. I checked the weapons for defects and then loaded them into trunk. I was told my by T.O. to hop on the driver's seat because today I am driving.

I drove us out of the precinct as carefully as possible. One minute on the road I heard gunfire. I quickly sensed it and turned the car in that direction. When I reached the destination I saw a red car leaving the scene. I called it in as I ran towards the dying security gurad. I requested if the guys could use spike strips to stop them. The officers that were not far from the crooks used the spike strips. I heard a light pop and a thud. I pulled out the bullet with my fingers and placed my hand on the wound to apply pressure. The guy was bleeding out and the ambulance was nowhere to be seen. So I told my T.O. that I have an idea. She said go for it. I picked him up and ran to the nearest hospital. I screamed for help and the nurses quickly took him away. Then I used my radio to inform my T.O. where I was. T.O. arrived after the other officers had secured the crime scene. She arrived to see me walk out of the bathroom after I had washed my hands of blood. We waited till the doctor came out to tell us that the guard had survived. I was told that he will be able to talk to us in a few hours so we should wait here.

The chief arrived with a smile on his face as though he wanted to say 'I told you so' I made it clear that I prefer unstable chemicals over this nightmare. He shook his head as he declared that I will remain a uniform officer for one week and then I can decide if I want to go back forensics. I made face as I sat down to contemplate my life. I looked at him and realized what he was doing. He wanted me to prove that I wanted the lab more than I wanted to be on the streets. He knew that I wanted to help humanity. But I was scared of the people that were trying to exploit me. He wanted the people of this city to know that I am one of the good guys.

What felt like a few days later there was a reporter that showed up for an interview. We heard the sirens and knew that the idiots had decided that the city route was the one to take to kill the next generation of monstrosity. I walked out as the shutters closed behind me. The reporter screamed that someone should pull me back in. She was told that I know exactly what I was doing. Then I heard the reporter say this was happening live. I flew into the air and saw the faces of people I have memorized as citizens of this city running for their lives. I carried them to the precinct two at a time. I kept going till I got everyone off the streets. I came back and made sure everyone was safe on the roof. I showed them that they were in the safest building there was. I opened the door to show them where they were. I used the radio asking for the chief to come escort the scared citizens downstairs. They were huddled together till the chief came out and ushered them in. They each thanked me as they went inside. I sensed and heard those things had barged into a hospital. I ran to that direction and quickly snatched those things out. I even removed those they had bitten. I ordered the hospital to close the doors. They closed and re-enforced it for good measure. I flew out into the sky to see if there were anyone else. I saw a teenager trying to flee for her life. I picked her up and brought her to the precinct. The door was locked so I pressed her against the door and shielded her from those things. When the door opened I shoved her in and closed it. I turned to see one monster drooling at me. I turned into a monster and roared. He ran like he saw a lion. I changed back and said, "That's right. Run away" I walked in to a room full of people who were happy to see me.

I made sure to sense around and saw the drone. I asked for a rifle to shoot it down. They asked me if it was a good idea. I explained that the people from machine city was using these to see how they can control people by using the city as a route to do whatever it was they were doing. They are trying to learn patterns to subjugate us. They were warned multiple times to stop experimenting but they decided that they were above the law. They looked for loopholes to ensure that they get to hurt innocent people. I asked them how many people has to die before these psychopaths are stopped. They say they want to stop illnesses. Then why manufacture even worse ones in labs. They say they have no intention to make Zombies. Then why do we see them rampaging around on a killing spree every other Thursday. I propose that we remove them from these labs and give them jobs as janitors. Level those labs and build houses, libraries, hospitals, gyms and parks. I walked off to write my report. I heard a gun shot and a subsequent bang. I knew they shot it down. I smiled as I heard an outrage from one of the scientists who was observing the scenery with the aid of the drone.

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