2 - Caught

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      It's been some rather languishing weeks following your conversation with Kate. You've received a few job offers and only accepted one of them - It's quick and easy, should succeed in moving you past your previous burdens. Stealing briefcases is not something you haven't dealt with before. The atmosphere of New York at night always has this green glow to it, maybe it's just the alleyways. You've been sprinting through said alleyways for about half an hour, although you stopped hearing the chasing footsteps about 10 of those minutes ago. It seemed - to you - almost silent for New York, the sound of honking cars and the voices of scattered hookers washed over with wind in your ears. Each turn you took you looked behind, through the oncoming alley, and if there was another - down that one too. By now you'd like to think you knew these tall hallways better than anyone.

As you approached another sharp turn you made sure to slow down, your legs were burning from the running now. You glanced down the alley to the front of you, behind your shoulder once again to make sure nobody was on your tail. There was a clear shot to the right straight back out to the street, you decided that would be your ticket out. Just as you were about to start your run again you heard more footsteps.

"Shit." You breathed out, the cold air swallowing up your words.

You booked it back down the alley you had previously come, assuming the obstacle was coming from the left where you had failed to check. Well you'd also failed to check behind you before you began to run, and ran directly into the stalker. Your grip tightened around the case handle resting in your hands when you stumbled back from the collision. You looked up expecting to see the bearded man you had been running from before, thought the big guy wouldn't have caught up. You were right. He hadn't.

"I'm going to need you to return that." She all too kindly smiled at you.

"Mh, yeah, not gonna happen." You spat, clutching the case even tighter.

You watched her eyes as they glanced down to the briefcase in your hand, then to your knuckles which were gradually growing whiter as your grip continued to tighten under her gaze.

"I don't want to hurt you." Kate admitted, pulling out an arrow from her quiver.

If you really thought that, why'd you bring those?

"Well then you shouldn't pick fights with people you're not ready to handle, Kate." You attempted a smirk, though you were royally pissed shes fucking up your assignment.

Noticing Kates changing posture, you fixated your own stance - one foot in front of the other, slightly angled. Classic fighter, yeah?

"You know you won't get away with this." She tilted her head. You could tell, despite your last encounter, that her guard was standing sky high. She wasn't smiling anymore; a more determined hero-like face painted her features now.

You almost laughed at the resolute tone of voice she presented.

"You know I'm right." She responded to your silence.

"I didn't take you for a gaslighter, Bishop." You reciprocated her tone of voice.

"Can't you just... hand it to me?" She asked, placing her bow and arrow wielding hands on her waist.

VILLAIN ᯓ ᗢ KATE BISHOP Where stories live. Discover now