6 - Yes

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       "God what the hell." You breathed out, the cold air of the city swallowing up your words and turning them into fog.

You've been out pretty much all day waiting for any sight of Kate - you'd decided after your talk the other night you needed to see her again. You weren't sure what you were even going to do if you did - fight or talk or just look at her and walk away. You think she might be deliberately avoiding you because there's no way she doesn't know you're out here. You're really just wanting to know what she had meant the other night, wanting to help you? It seems so stupid, if it had been any other avenger you tried to assassinate one night you'd be executed or sitting in a jail cell right now. Kate wants to help you - you're not sure if you really buy that. Does she really want to help, or does she just want some hero validation or something - she doesn't need that from you so, you're confused even though it seems so clear. It's probably a trap the more you think about it.

You've found yourself on another rooftop to see if you could spot her, you couldn't track her phone because you stupidly left yours at your house so that checks out. You didn't want to seek her out - not this time.

You took a seat on the edge of the roof and looked out, swinging your legs back and forth along the exterior of the building. There was no glimpse of purple you could see; it was mid-day, so she'd be easy to spot if anything. If it really was a trap, you're gonna have to stop her and actually leave New York just to get her out of your hair, even though she'll follow you everywhere with the status she confines. You're not as - how do you even put this? - pissed and stuff with her anymore... before you had spoken that night, it was as if she was clawing at every part of your brain. It's not quite like that anymore. You still don't like it - she's erasing your freedom, that's the easiest way to put it; if you refuse her help, she's just gonna keep stopping you.

After what you said to her that night it would make sense if she really was staying away from you on purpose. You haven't been out doing anything she would need to get involved in since that night, but you've been itching to see her again and talk so maybe you should go stir something up. You hate how intoxicating she is; you just want her out of your head but God it's not going to get any better unless you take the help.

It's weird - this whole situation - you tried to kill her and now she wants to 'help' you. It just seems like a trap; thinking back to the talk - well - that suggests the contrary. You're not sure you want the help but she's right about you so maybe you should take it. You don't have anyone to talk to about this - Yelena would tell you to refuse it and come back to Russia where she's currently helping more widows escape. And - yeah, you can't do that. That's the reason you're trying to get Kate to come to you, you need to talk to her again, unfortunately.

"C'mon, Bishop, where are you?" You picked yourself up from your sitting position to climb back down to the streets and try to catch her attention instead.

You turned to reach the ladder that had brought you up here and found yourself - in a swapped position. You looked down and there she was, giving you an awkward and incomplete smile from a few steps up from the roof.

"Didn't think you'd be up here." She exclaimed when she reached the roof.

"You're avoiding me?" You asked to confirm a suspicion.

VILLAIN ᯓ ᗢ KATE BISHOP Where stories live. Discover now