7 - "Hey"

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        You've been twiddling your thumbs at home for a few days and staring at your wrist illustrated with dulling blue ink, instead of doing anything you're supposed to. You know you should text Kate, it's just difficult - you nearly took a job to avoid putting her name into your phone but then you remembered that's the whole reason she's trying to help you anyways.

Deciding by now you better man up, you took your phone into your hands and copied the now virtually unreadable number down into the text box to begin a new message. You weren't sure what to text - but it's not like it really mattered.

delivered 10:45

Seriously, 'hey'?

read 10:46

You waited for a few minutes, there was no response, no text box came up, nothing.

Does she have no faith in you? "when I know you're actually ready i'll text back" ugh.

You set down your phone and made quick work to scrub the remaining pen from your forearm. If she wasn't going to reply you're just gonna have to wait.


It's been close to 3 days since you sent the text and you've received nothing but radio silence. Fed up with staying in and fawning over your phone for a text you just took a job - obviously, it's wrong but clearly kate doesn't mind.

There was supposed to be a shoot out a few blocks south from Manhattan, you're going to step in as a third party and cease both 'teams'. Apparently the opportunity was a clear chance to eliminate your employer's threats - you try to stay out of the business and ethics of it all.

To be forthright, you took the job so Kate would see you, you know she will – not because you wanted to get back in. Even though the thought settles present and clear-cut in your mind.


Staking yourself out waiting for a now late delivery of a shoot out to begin, you're peering fixedly at the locale through the scope installed on your sniper, waiting for an opportunity to shoot and then get to the floor – be that as it may, nobody has made themselves known.

And now you're beginning to think they're not coming.

It's indisputably hard to hear over the buzzing of the city, but you can hear it. That sound one might hear when hunting or when frequenting a bullseye – the one that's really pissing you off right now.

You unhand your task of intently squinting one eye through a sniper to foregoing it and running to find where the sound is coming from. Hastening to the west side of the roof you can see it - Kate's taking down faces you had looked at within a folder a few hours ago, the ones you would've taken a cross to inside your scope. God she's annoying.

"What the fuck?!" You yelled from atop the roof, throwing your arms in the air vexingly.

Kate acknowledged you in between punches, "Hey!" She mocked your text.

You dropped your arms and rolled your eyes, walking to pick up your sniper and scale down the brickwork. You jumped forth the rest of the ladder when you felt a guy try to pull on your foot - then hit him in the head with the base of your gun.

You subconsciously hit and eliminated the guys you stared down in a vanilla file just earlier - crossing each face off the list. 

You panted over the last guy you hit down, trying to catch your breath - feeling another tug on your shoulder you went to hit whoever it was -

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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