5 - Kate

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       Nothing could have prepared Kate for the scrapes she returned home with tonight, not because they're scrapes - obviously, she would have endured those either way - No, we're talking the small scratches that lay on the back of her arms and neck from getting forcefully pushed up onto an exterior brick wall. They didn't even hurt; it was just this weird reminder of Vivian. Part of her doesn't want them to go away.

Kate doesn't want to hurt Vivian, by now she's made that so clear to not only the one affected but to herself as well. She knows well by now that this life she's leading, chosen or not, is surrounded by affliction and pain, but that doesn't mean she always has to deliver it by her hand - even if she "should". Everything's so hard, she has found, and it doesn't seem to be getting much easier. I guess this situation is the outcome of such a terrible devotion to her job, but she can't stop that, she knows that, like it's in her blood.

Kate was sitting on her kitchen table, feet dangling off, periodically grazing Lucky who was laying down underneath her. She doesn't regret a word she told Vivian, but she can't get the other girl's voice out of her head. She told Kate she hated her because Kate was everything she couldn't be. Kate knows that's not the truth, in the way that she knows Vivian can be like her if she wasn't so damn defiant. The truth is she's tired of being told that it's all her fault when all she really wants to do is help her. Vivians never going to understand that unless it's yelled into her face like she's nose to nose with a megaphone, Kate thinks she got her point across tonight but she's not entirely sure. Kate is not naive; she knows what Vivian's been up to for a while even through sorry eyes. She is reasonably mad with the redhead, but she also can't blame her behavior on just being her, she knows there's a past and she's aware that it's not great - but that past doesn't give her the right to be such a bitch.

Clint has told Kate a fair amount about the red room, if the girl is not mistaken Vivian came from there. She knows how fucked it is, clearly it can produce some screwed people; so, she can't blame Vivian for the way she is... she thinks. But on the other hand, she is not incapable of change - nobody is. Kate is going to make the assumption that it's a mental boundary because knowing Vivian she's not sure what else it could be. Thinking you're not good enough to be anything else is not because of the red room, it's because of how she sees everything now and how she sees herself - and maybe that's a product of the red room but still. Kate is confused about it all even though she's sort of figuring it out, advice would be nice if she even knew who to call.

Kate didn't even have to think for another moment before making the connection.

*Dialing, Katniss (Clint)*

"Hey, Clint. Sorry I called unannounced - it is not an emergency." Kate said, putting her phone on speaker and getting up to make some food.

"It's okay, Kate. what's up?" Clint responded through the phone.

"I'm just caught up in the middle of some, weird, situation. I don't know but I thought I'd ask you about what I should do, if anything." Kate sighed, getting out some leftovers.

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