1 - A visitor

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          It was pitch black out, darkness swallowing the sky, but the moon illuminated her. The last situation you expected to find yourself in tonight was standing in front of none other than Kate Bishop; the girl who just last week was your mission. She looked a step over distraught and you could tell by the shine under her eyes and the light red consuming the once white sclera that she'd been crying. Not only this but she was cut up and limping. The silence of staring at each other was clearly bothering the both of you.

"Yeah... I'm not looking to chat, Kate." You said to her, albeit bluntly.

"I'm not here to get you in any trouble..." She admitted, "I just... Want to talk to you."

"Look, Kate, I can't speak to you in respect of my career." You told her, about to close the door that was hiding your currently pistol armed hand.

"Please, can we just talk?" She pleaded as the cold was slowly turning her cheeks more red.

You stared at her some more, assessing the options here - you could let her in and talk potentially compromising yourself or send her away in the cold, bloody and bruised when she'd clearly been through something. If you'd been asked this a month ago you would have shut the door in her face, yet right now you're not so sure.

Kate wasn't looking you in the eye as you examined her condition trying to think of what to do.

Slowly you agreed, stepping into your door more allowing space for her to come in. Afterall she already knew where you lived, clearly doxing was not a threat here.

"Come in." You gestured toward your living space with your unarmed hand.

The girl that you'd attempted to kill no less than a week ago brushed past you into your home. It was unfamiliar having someone other than yourself walk into the space, but as mentioned, she already knew where you lived so the address was already compromised.

"Go ahead, sit down." you advised the awkwardly stood girl in your living room while you shut and locked the door behind you.

She tentatively sat down in your armchair left to the coffee table simultaneously catching sight of the pistol wrapped around your fingers.

She raised her eyebrows at the weapon, "paranoid much?"

You sighed, "I am literally an assassin." you said walking towards the couch next to the LaZBoy she was currently getting comfortable in. "So, Kate, what'd you want to talk about then?" You were trying to keep your guard up which was essential especially around her.

At first you were met with a silence so loud it was like the ticking of the clock on the table began to get louder, but then she started to speak, "I just want some closure, that's it I swear, then I'll be out of here and I'm not sure after that but-" she started to ramble.

"-Okay." You cut her off quickly. "What exactly were you wanting closure on?" Though you knew the answer in its entirety.

"Why didn't you kill me? You could've. You totally could have." She asked you almost sadly as if she had wanted you to or something.

You slid the pistol onto the coffee table and switched the safety on as if in place of a truce, "I don't know." You were afraid it sounded too earnest but, in the end, it was the truth she wanted, "If I knew I would tell you, but I don't know."

"Have you even thought about it?" She sounded almost sassy like she clearly wanted a different answer.

"Not exactly something fond to think back to, Kate." You responded in a similar tone of voice.

VILLAIN ᯓ ᗢ KATE BISHOP Where stories live. Discover now