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I'm in my room again but I swear I was just at school. I hate this house. And I hate school but its better then this place.
I wake up from my desk with Mr Sam shaking me awake...but this time it wasn't a ruff and aggressive shake it was a nice, gentle and calm. I look up at him as he slides some sort of bullshit work sheet. I look back down at my desk and
grab this stupid fucking paper. And I chuck it in the garbage and look at Mr. Sam as I stood by the trash can.
And I give him a snarky ass smile, I expected him to get mad and yell at me to leave. But he doesn't, he gives me a sad look and asks me to sit down by his desk and we can work on it together. what??? Is all I can think this new school is wired as fuck just yell at me all ready!
I looked at the floor then back at Mr Sam and for the first time since I got to this fucking school I say something "YOU AND YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT ASS WORKSHEET CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF"
again he doesn't get mad he looks at me with pity....gross. " Gray" Mr Sam finally speaks up "how about I'll take you to go to the social work and you wait there till after school and we can talk okay?"
Now at this point the whole class is now staring at me. So I do what any logical person would do... I yell
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SONS OF BITCHES LOOKING AT" finally they stop staring. Then I feel something. I turn around and see Mr. Sam and his hand on my shoulder. "Come on Gray let's go to the consoler office" Mr Sam said always....
This time I don't say anything. I give up. Fine. I'll go, just to get out of this stupid ass room filled with stupid ass people.
I walk with Mr. Sam to the social workers room. When we get to the door, I look up at Mr. Sam I feel as if I've been doing that a lot recently.

Gray is all I can see Where stories live. Discover now