Meeting Mani

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I look down and I can feel tears in my eyes starting to form. 'Come on Grey shove it down' I tell myself .
I quickly and quietly wipe the tears from my eyes before anyone can see. I know what it means when Mani is here.
It means new foster home.
Yay more shitty people.
All of my teachers knew
I was in the foster system I guess that's why they always gave me "special treatment".
And what that means is sorry looks. The looks of "damn sucks mad dick that you don't have any fucking parents". I wish I could just stay at the 'home' when I'm there I at lest get to watch tv. The tv is my only escape from this mess that is my life.
I like tv, because it's complete and utter bullshit. I think that's why I like it, it's so impossibly unrealistic that it's funny.
"Hey Gray" Mani starts off.
"Hey" I said back I already know what's going to happen. "You ready to go buddy" she asks me, "yeah..." I say.  But in reality I'm not I want to stay at the group home and watch tv.
"Alright she says as she grabs her blue and yellow bag. I hate that bag, it looks cheep and that's coming from me who wears off brand vans. "I'll walk you guys out" Mr. Sam says. I honestly forgot he was here. We walk out to the front and I don't waste any time, and hop in the car. 
"Alright kido you ready to go". I nodded my head 'yes'. And just like that we were off.
Off I go to another foster home.

A/n sorry for the late and short chapter.
I'm not feeling the best right now because im well sick lol

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