A New Foster Home

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It was a 30 minute drive from the school to the new "home". The hole ride miss Mani kept asking me about school, and how I was. I'm short she wouldn't shut the fuck up.
"We're here Gray" Mani says
"I know we're parked outside of a fucking house" i said with a snarky remark.  "Gray...can you please try and be a decent person for once in your life, I get it, it's rough being in the system but you can't just be a asshole because life is hard" she says. And to my response to that message is "well you can go fuck yourself". Good one Grey. You fucked up the only decent relationship you had, good job dumbass."alright Gray let's go met these people" she says to me as she opens the car door. We walk up to the front door and ass Mani rings the door bell I feel...pure panic.
I hate this part.
It's always a lottery when it comes to these things. You either get really fucking lucky and meet a family that wants you and loves you or you get what normally everyone else gets, a family who doesn't give to fucks about you and that is just needs you around for the money.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts with the sound of a door opening.
Well fuck here we go.
The door opens and I see some dud in some baggy ass pants and a baggy ass shirt.
But the most noticeable thing is the smell. As soon as he opened the door it recked of cigarettes.
It smelt like a god damn casino.
"Hi I'm Mani and this is Gray"

Gray is all I can see Where stories live. Discover now