The new "home"

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I step into his house and sit on the couch. As I sit my ass down, Mani and that fucking foster parent are talking, probably about my file.
I sit at this uncomfortable ass couch for 30 fucking minutes. It felt more like 30 fucking years. Then I hear the worst words in the world that I always hear. "Alright Grey I'm off, remember to call me if anything happens" she said as she whispered that last part. Even she knows I'm in danger here, yet she still left me. I look back at her and nod my head.
And with that she was gone.
The only constant thing in my life just walk out.
"So kid"
The man starts. I look at him as he speaks. "Your going to be staying with me from now on, I have to other son's and one daughter. I see them every day on Monday through Friday." The man starts. "You will be sharing a room with my youngest boy, Nick." The man continues. "You will be attending school with my daughter, Ashly and my other son, Alex".
Moving schools again....
"Now with that out of the way, what do you want for dinner?" He
I said in response
"What would you like for dinner? I want to celebrate you coming into my family, the lest I can do is get you something to eat for dinner." He states,
I've never been asked what I wanted for dinner before, or for anything when it comes to food or really anything.
"Spaghetti" I say quietly
I've only had spaghetti once before and that was when I was 8 and I had just gotten out of a really bad home. And to cheer me up Mani took my to a place called Jolly Bee and they had spaghetti on the menu so she ordered it for me. It was the best thing I had ever eaten in my whole life.
"Alright" the man said "I'll make some for you right now then"

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