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The smell of spaghetti and cigarettes filled the air. It smelt amazing, I felt like I was in heaven.
"So Grey" the man starts. "What's your favorite subject in school?"
"Don't have one" I responded quickly. "Mmm" the man hummed. "Do you have any friends" the man asked again. "No" I said back to him. "Well hopefully that will change when you start at a new school" the man replied. "I don't like other people " I said back to him. "So there's no point in making 'friends' "
I continued.
The man places the spaghetti on the table and signals for Gray to sit down.
Gray walks over to the table and sits down. The aroma was even stronger now and it smelt amazing.
I tried to control myself from devouring it. But I couldn't help it. It had been at least 3 days since I've eaten something and I was starving.
I grabbed a handful of spaghetti and shoved it into my. I repeated this process till I was done.
I look back up at the man to see him going over to the pot and pick up a ladle. "Do you want more" the man asked "yes please".
He nods and picks up my bowel and plops the spaghetti into the bowel.
I put in my heads back into the bowel the same way I did before.
"I didn't tell you my name did I?" The man asks. I shack my head 'no'. "Ah well I'm Scoot"

Sorry for this being such a small chapter and taking forever to come out but I will be updating more often again

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