What's happening

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I've been staying with Scoot for 2 days. You know what that means....his stupid fucking kids are going to be coming back to their home. So yay, have to deal with new fucking people that probably fucking suck.

As if this place wasn't as shitty as it already was. 
Sure I got free, really good food. But that's besides the point.
It still sucks here.
It's awkward as fuck to be around Scoot and I also start school tomorrow.

Just as I was going on a rant about how shitty my life is the door to the room I was staying at opens I hear the front door open then I hear laughter. Oh god his kids must be here.

What the fuck?
I whisper to my self...my vision started blurring and my hands started shaking and I couldn't.... I COULDN'T FUCKING BREATH.

I feel my legs give out and I fell to the floor. My arm cling to my shaking body trying to calm down.

What the fuck is going on and why can't I fucking BREATH.

My eyes started to water and I started to sob. What the fuck is wrong with me why can't I stop crying, why can't I breathe, WHY CANT I BREATHE!!!

I suddenly feel arms around me "Shush you're okay" the voice said rubbing my back and holding me tight against their chest "it's okay, try and take a breath" the voice said. I did as the voice said to the best I could . "Good job now can you take another breath and hold it for four then exhale for four" again I did what the voice asked and my breathing slowly returned to normal.

I was exhausted after whatever the fuck just happened. The persons hand moves to my hair and they start rubbing my head "you must be tired after that panic attack, you should get so rest" the voice said. I listened to the voice once again and leaned further into the person closing my eyes and eventually drifting off"

"Sleep well Gray"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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