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3rd pov

A bunch of fresh tryout students gather at the startlines of the seperate rooms.

Many are friends, and have known eachother most of thier lives before coming to this academy, all of them wanting to become the number 1 hero, the current hero being Deku. Number 2 being Dynamite, and Number 3 being Shoto
The threesome formed the team Plus Ultra, and have done all they can to keep us safe.
The buzzer sounds, and the free for all starts as one kid, holding a small robot in arms, starts yelling to a boy with brightly colored parrot wings, who picks him up and takes off, flapping hard and scattering feathers onto some of the robots, causing a massive explosion, and the duo to fly away, unhurt and with many points.
Meanwhile, a teen with a embroidered hood shot a spike of ice from the ground, flipping his head to remove the hood and reveal extremely pale skin and icy blue eyes, and holding his hands out, but seemingly nothing happens until the robots melt away.
As well, a armored kid protects a injured girl who has vines lashed around her arms, as he focuses and the arm changes to a strange cannon, and it fires, decapitating the robot.
The next kid straight up kicks the robot apart, smirking and yelling,"SCHLEEP! It's good for you!"
Another boy jumps through the shadows and punches to a knightly looking boy, who slices it apart, and they lock arms, before moving onto the next enemy.
Not far, a half mutated- half robotic person looked over the robots, and with a dark smirk on his face, attacks with presicion using the robot's own moves against it.
Across the battlefield, the mighty, massive 0 point robot stood strong, with a duo of students looking at it, one, a male, taps his robotic eye and a emerald beam fires from the eye as a blond female leaps up, and slashes at the opposite leg, both working together to pin the massive robot down, one foot completely welded to the ground. With that, they join the fray, the blonde girl slicing apart robots using powerful martial arts.
For now, the battle was fairly even through this group.
But one, not using any sort of flashy effects, pounding the bots into submission using her barefists and eventually brings the 3 robots down on her own, huffing and puffing.
Eventually, the grueling fight dwindles down to panting students, many sitting down, tending to wounds and more. Many gather together to introduce themselves and help any wounded to the start line again so that they can get healed from the school nurse.
After that, many introduce themselves to each other and head home to rest, and wait for the letter to prove if they made it in or not.

Days later, the letters arrive.
Grian's pov
I open the mailbox and spot the signature symbol of the academy on an envelope and i smile, snatching it and taking off, landing on my windowsil and opening the window easily.
Mumbo comes in, holding his envelope too and i smile," let's watch our results one at a time."
Mumbo nods and opens his and sets down his projector. It turns on and up pops up Deku.
"Hello Mumbo. You were admitted since you helped grian out with perfectly timed hits, and you guys got the second highest score of the amount that tried out. I remember when i first got one of these. Usually though, mumbo would've been admitted to the Support class, not the Hero course. But i saw no reason to have the system seperate you both. Good luck!" It turns off and mumbo squeals, causing me to burst into laughter as he says," i can't believe Deku recorded that for us."
"Yeah, but i guess that spoiled mine anyways"
"I don't care, let's watch it."
I chuckle at Mumbo's behavior when he's not big-brained genius and i pull it open, laying it down beside his and Deku pops up." Hello Grian, man, watching you do the challenge was amazing, it was like you and mumbo were a matchup the world can't beat down, hold onto that, you'll need it for your training in the hero course, esspecially since i'm the teacher this year."
It drops down, and i gasp," wait... Deku's teaching us? Why?"
"He did make the world really safe, maybe he wants to make sure the next generation have the best shot at surviving villains?"
I shrug," maybe, lets go pack."

Ren's pov
I just finished watching my letter, welp, looks like Rendiggity dog is joining UA!

Docm's pov
Yes! That one was easy, number 1 hero slot here i come.

Gem's pov
I got in? I got in! Man it was hard especially since i overestimated my chances.

Pearls pov
Wow, i got in! I didn't even know that was possible. I got so few points.

False's pov
Huh, you'd figure disabling the 0 point robot would've made it difficult, but i got in.

Impulses pov
Whew! I gotta go tell Skiz i got in!

Iskall's pov
Well that's pog, i'm in the school.

Bdubs's pov
Sweet i got in, now i gotta go ask Impulse and Tango if they got in, once i wake up.

Tango's pov
Nice! I got in, i better go tell dad, he'll be so proud

Ijevin's pov
I'm glad i got in, that test wore me out.

By this point, all the students knew they got in, and the first day would test them from start to end.
Would they break? Or would they become hero's? Only time will tell.

I am very grateful for my friends who made this absolutly amazing cover and i am starting a beautiful story from it. Thank you, IndigoSilver, and LunyaVioletBlue. You both made something mindblowingly good.

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