In the Beginning

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Darkness. Darkness was all that there was in the beginning. No stars burned to offer their light. No planets to harbor life. There was nothing but the cold void of nothingness. This was a time before the first universe was created. Before the birth of all that we know and hold to be true. All that there ever existed in this void was a single entity. A dragon that radiated with a golden light. The great Numeron Dragon.

However, with him being the only thing to exist, he was alone

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However, with him being the only thing to exist, he was alone. Out of the nothingness, a thought entered his mind, and Numeron Dragon decided to do something about his loneliness. Using his great power of creation, the golden dragon caused a massive explosion of energy. It was then that the universe began and the first moment was born. The first star manifested itself giving birth to another one, and another one, and then another one. The empty void was soon filled with the light of these stars and the cosmos was born. These stars created color as they gathered together to create entire galaxies. Numeron Dragon saw this and thought that it wasn't enough. He moved the stars so they could create shapes and patterns that he called constellations, and he made them so they could tell stories of the universe's life.

But it wasn't enough to fill the blackened void that he had to exist in. There was more that his power could do, and with that power, he created bodies to fill the spaces in between the stars. Numeron Dragon called these bodies planets. He marveled at these creations of his, but soon he saw that these planets were empty and devoid of the color that the stars had. That is when he had another idea. Something to add more complexity to them just like the stars. He would plant the seeds of life on these planets. He would let them grow on their own so these planets can gain their own wonderful colors.

These planets over the countless coming years will sprout plants, give birth to a myriad of animals, and a manner of other things to make them unique. Oh, how did the Numeron Dragon wish that he could be there to see it. The longing in his heart grew at the thought of this unfortunate truth. All it did was make him sad. 

The universe bloomed from this labor creating a magnificent masterpiece. It moved his heart to see such beauty before his eyes. As he marveled at his work, he began to feel exhaustion take over. He used too much of his power to create all that now existed. But there was something else that he needed to do. Something that his very spirit commanded him to do. He needed to create a being that could appreciate what he had created while he slumbered. His final creation.

Using one of his claws, he cut into his chest right where his heart was. He cut a tiny piece of his own beating heart and brought it into the palm of his hand. Even though it was cut from him, that tiny piece still beat in sync with his own. Numeron Dragon focused a sliver of the power that remained in his possession. With it, he took that piece and shaped it into a new being. Light shined from what became of it becoming its own entity. That piece became a body with a heartbeat of its own. Numeron Dragon smiled at the little life that laid in his hand.

Numeron: "Hello there, little one. I am your creator. It is nice to meet you."

The little one in his hand sparkled in response. Numeron chuckled in slight amusement seeing his creation do this. How could it do anything else? It was just born and it could not speak like he could. Numeron Dragon held the little light out a bit and released it. Now it floated in place sparkling and shimmering at him. He could tell that it was confused, curious, but happy.

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