Go with the Flow II

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[Akari's POV]

After what happened back at the schoolyard bridge, the walk back home was quiet to say the least. Bronk and Tori both went their separate ways when the time came. Although Tori did stay a little longer than usual. Now it was just me and Yuma as we walked down the street. The sun was beginning to set below the horizon making the river flowing next to us glow with an orange hue. As pretty as it was, even for a terrifying river, I couldn't enjoy it. My mind was far too preoccupied with what I did earlier.

I kicked Shark. I kicked the school bully right in the face. Why would I do that? I'm not that kind of girl to just attack someone. Sure, he was being mean to Yuya, and he maybe deserved it after what he did to his pendant, but that isn't an excuse. I studied karate to help me with my physical therapy for my prosthetics at the request of the family doctor. My instructor always said that what we learned was only to be meant to defend ourselves. I just used it to knock three bullies onto their butts. 

Yuma: "Hey, sis... You okay?"

Akari: "Huh? W-What makes you say that?"

Yuma: "You have that look again. Like something is bothering you."

Akari: "It's just... You know how I feel about people being violent. What I did earlier was--"

Yuma: "Hey, it's okay. You warned them and they didn't listen. It's not your fault."

Akari: "No, it's not okay. Even if that jerk deserved what he got for what he did to your pendant, he still walked away. I attacked him. All I did was probably cause more trouble for you..."

Yuma: "What you did was in my defense. You didn't attack him. You were protecting me. We're siblings. That's what we do for each other."

Akari: "Still..."

Yuma: "You shouldn't worry, sis. Besides, I think those dumdums had that coming. What you did was super cool! You were like one of those heroes from that action movie at home!"

Akari: "You think so?"

Yuma: "I know so. You're the coolest sister in the world."

Akari: "You mean it?"

Yuma: "Of course I do. I love you, and I'm really thankful for what you did for me."

Akari: "Will you be okay? That pendant... was from them."

Yuma: *grips pendant* "Y-Yeah... I think I'll be okay. Let's just get home."

Yuma smiled at me, but I could tell by looking in his eyes that he was crushed about his broken pendant. It was one of the gifts that Mom and Dad got for him before they went missing during one of their expeditions. He always kept it close to him. He even sleeps with it still around his neck sometimes. There's no where he went that he was not wearing it. Now it was broken, and for some reason, it hurt me too seeing it broken like that. Like it hurt our parents in some way, or at least their memory.

My little brother must have sensed that I was still sad because of what he did next. He gave me a side hug as we kept walking. I couldn't help but lay my head into the crook of his neck to get closer to him. He was always so caring about me and knew just what to do to cheer me up. I was the thankful one for having him as my brother. Even if he was a dumb, thickheaded idiot sometimes, or even most of the time. It was just Yuma, and I wouldn't change that for the world.

[3rd POV]

The Tsukumo siblings made it home with no incident. Although, the mood in the house that night wasn't the same. Dinner was quiet as Yuma hid the key inside his shirt so no one could see it. Akari was also silent as she still felt that what she did to Shark was uncalled for. They decided to watch a movie in the hopes of lightening up Yuma and Akari's sullen moods. It was somewhat effective, but not nearly as enough as Kari and Haru hoped for. 

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