Go with the Flow I

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[3rd Person]

It had been sixteen years since that fateful day. Sixteen years since the child had arrived on Earth, took on human form, and was adopted by the Tsukumo family. That child, who is known as Akari Tsukumo, was sleeping in her room. The window to her room was covered by a blackout sheet, but thankfully her alarm was about to do its job. Once the clock struck six-thirty, it began to sound its horrid buzzing noise making the nightstand it was on slightly vibrate. Akari groaned in annoyance as, once again, that machine was disturbing her goodnight's sleep. She took in a deep breath and stretched her legs before throwing them over the side of the bed. As Akari stood up from her bed, the blankets fell off revealing her missing arms. She popped her back by laying back on the bed and turned off the alarm in tandem with her foot.

Once the horrid noise was gone, Akari was left to wake up and stare at the ceiling. The room was completely dark thanks to the cover allowing her room's favorite decoration to make her smile. The walls and the ceiling were covered in glow-in-the-dark stars giving the room a faint bluish lighting. Akari smiled as she sat there and enjoyed being surrounded by these stickers giving her a sense of peace. In these moments, it was like she was surrounded by the stars themselves sharing their wonderful light with her. However, that peaceful moment would soon come to an end. The door to the room opened making the stars lose their shine thanks to the light coming from the hallway. On the other side of the doorway was Akari's older sister, Kari Tsukumo.

Kari: "C'mon, Aki. Time to get to it."

Akari: *sighs* "I know."

Kari: "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you enjoying your star-time?"

Akari: "I was. You know how annoying my alarm clock is."

Kari: *laughs* "Oh, don't I ever. It's why I gave it to you. Now, hurry up. Grandma is cooking breakfast downstairs and I just drew the bath."

Akari: "Coming."

Kari walked back down the hall towards the bathroom. Akari stood up from her bed and left her bedroom to follow her sister. This has been routine for them ever since her accident so many years ago. She entered the bathroom seeing the slight layer of residual steam on top of the water. Kari was sitting down next to it waiting for her. She came over and helped her sister to take her clothes off so she was naked. Akari stepped into the bath letting the warm water push away the rest of the sleep out of her system.

Kari carefully lowered her sister's head into the water just enough to get her hair wet. Once that was done, Kari put some shampoo in her hands and rubbed them together. This was one of the things that Akari had to deal with ever since she was little. She always needed assistance when bathing and to maintain the stumps that were her arms, and ever since their parents disappeared, Kari was the one to help her. She scrubbed her hair and washed her body making sure to be careful around her stubs. After that was done, she took some mild antibacterial soap just for Akari and set it down next to her. 

Kari grabbed a washcloth next to the sink and dunked it in the warm water. Once she got some of the special soap on the cloth and scrubbed it together, she carefully applied it to the limbs. Kari gently scrubbed the skin knowing that being too rough will damage the skin and hurt her little sister. As she was doing this, Kari was draining the tub so once she was done, she could dry off her sister and get her ready for the next part.

After Akari was finished getting cleaned, her sister made sure that she was thoroughly dried off, especially her arms. It was important that they be washed and dried before the next part. Kari wrapped a bathrobe around her and the two of them went back into her bedroom. Akari went over to a special chair that her father had made for her when he was still with them and sat down in it. Her big sister grabbed her prosthetic arms from her dresser and brought them over. She set them down and pulled out special arm extensions from the back of the seat. Akari set her right arm down first allowing her sister to bring her right arm and hook up all the wires and connectors to the sockets in her arm before attaching it to her shoulder harness. 

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