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If there was one thing Nyx knew for sure, it was that Aria was her father's daughter. His cousin had only taken her mother's eyes — and scowl — but her whole persona was uncle Cassian's. Her strength, her humor...and her eye-rolling clumsiness.

"I don't know how you're going to explain that one," he told her, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Your mother's really going to lose her shit this time."

"I barely touched it," Aria squealed, tucking her wings tightly on her back. "Who needs this many books anyway?"

Nyx removed his hand from his face to look at the mess. At least three dozen books were piled up on the floor of the House of Wind private library. Some were open and the pages ruffled from the fall. Aria hadn't dropped a couple of books, she'd destroyed an entire column of her mother's precious bookshelves.

"What was that noise?" Elia entered the room and stopped short as she examined the mess. Her hazel eyes went round and up to her sister's. "Oh, you're in trouble!"

"Could you two help me instead of staring?" Aria complained to her cousin and sister.

"Actually," Elia began. "I got there first but you made so much noise it's only a matter of time before Mom shows up."

"What did Aria do this time?" A lilting voice mocked. Catrin walked in, clearly amused until she actually looked at the crime scene. She gaped at the mess.

Aria crossed her arms. "Why do you immediately assume it was me?" Catrin only cocked a brow. Was that even a question? "Alright, it was. Can you help me pick it up? Please."

Catrin shrugged and began picking books up. Nyx and Elia helped as well but as the former picked up a piece of wood that was split in the middle with a torn up page attached to it, he knew he should probably say his farewells to his cousin.

That's when it happened. They heard her before they saw her.

Aunt Nesta didn't speak, her icy glare went to her first daughter who curled in on herself. Uncle Cassian showed up behind her and bit his lip as his eyes went between his daughter and his mate.

"If my mate is with me, that noise could only be provoked by my first-born," Nesta said flatly.

"I can explain," Aria started.

"Explain then," Aunt Nesta crossed her arms.

Aria began fidgeting on the spot. "So, Nyx and I were just talking... and walking. And I swear I barely touched it. It was probably going to fall apart anytime soon," Aria bobbed her head. "Truly, it's a good thing it happened now instead of later when you were there... or even Sage. Can you imagine? I would hate for either of you to get hurt."

Nesta's brows flattened. Behind her, Cassian made a face. Even he wouldn't fall for that excuse, no matter how blind with adoration he was for his daughters. The room became cold, as if the House was as angry as its mistress.

"We're going to help her, Mom," Elia said, gently.

Nesta sighed in defeat. "I would argue that she should do it all herself but I'm afraid she might actually make it worse."

Aria bit the inside of her cheek as if she knew her mother was right. "I'll fix it," she tried a smile. "And I'll go get you a new set of shelves right after. I'll even build it myself."

Unfortunately, Aria being who she was, whirled on her feet too quickly, bumped into a standing shelf which fell on another, then another, then another. The shelves fell like dominos. The room became uncomfortably quiet.

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