DOES ROSE LIKE ME BACK??? I sure hope so

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Phoenix's P.O.V

It's the next morning and i just woke up. I sat up in my bed and look over at my bedside table that had a photo of my family and a photo of all my friends. I noticed one in the back it was a photo of me and my muggle friends and there was a heart drawn around this girl she had the ugliest hair, some really pimply skin and a really ugly dress the heart had an arrow pointing up i moved my finger up and


I jumped and dropped the photo and the glass cracked a bit. I fell to the floor in tears


'Oh um I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I thought you were still sleeping I'm sorry'

'Fuck you Cassie honestly fuck you, go fuck yourself'

'Hey hey what's going on here why are we yelling it's too early for this'

I heard Sirius say while he was walking to my room

'Cassie scared me and made me drop my pic of my muggle friends and now the glass is cracked'

'Cassie? Is this true?'

'Yes, but I only wanted to say hi I didn't mean to scare them'

'Ok, Cassie apologize for scaring them, and Nixie apologize for yelling at Cassie'

I looked at him shocked, i looked down at the cracked photo, and looked up at Cassie, Than at Sirius, i heard moony walking over, asking what happened, Pads explained, and Moony looked at me, and asked me to apologize, I, again, looked at Sirius, than down at the photo, i felt like they didn't care about my photo but i looked over at Cassie, and apologized, Dad told Cassie to apologize, she did, and I forgave her.

I walked to my door, and hit Cassie's shoulder with attitude and ran downstairs, still annoyed, but i wasn't that upset anymore, I saw Rose and looked her up and down, i didn't know what to do, i felt scared, but also a bit happy, I went to grab some food, and sat at the table, i ate, and noticed rose staring at me, i took out my phone, and saw her  number I looked at it and called, she answered


"hey, its cupcake, my name is Phoenix btw, um, i was wondering if you would like to go on a date, i wanted to take up the offer so um, will you go on a date with me, Cherline?"

"damn, took you long enough, yea sure, i'll come over after my shift, you'll have the best time of your life, i'll make sure of it, bye cupcake"

She hangs up, and im sitting there, red in the face, I can't believe it, a date THIS SOON holy shit, I slap my face and start eating my food, she texted me

"your in my contacts now, sweetie"

she sent a pic it looks like 


123 456 789

the cutest girl alive

I smiled and went and changed her name it read


234 567 890

My love

i sent her a screenshot, and she sent a text saying


I screamed in my head, and blushed a bit, I smiled at the text and she said to meet her at the fountain park, near the high school, i agreed and went to get changed, she said that she finished early, which would be in 4 hours, i ran to my room, after putting my dish in the sink, i ran up to get ready, i got my outfit ready first, it was a black dress, with stockings, and white socks over it, with a leather jacket on top, i grabbed my skull necklace, and my converse, and went to put my makeup on. I put a dark red eye shadow on, mascara, and some black lipstick, i put red eyeshadow over the lipstick once it dried, and i went downstairs, she texted me 



I'm outside, sweetie

I went to the door, took a deep breath and opened it, and there she was, a bouquet in hand, she was wearing a suit, i blushed so hard, and smiled widely, and ran to her, hugging her tight, she hugged me back, and i smiled, wide, i was red in the face, she noticed and whispered in ear " you look cute like that, Princess" I blushed even harder, she smiled at me and asked if we should go, i looked back at my parents

Phoenix: "just a second"

Cherline:"ok, i'll wait as long as you need"

I smiled at her, and ran to my dad, i hugged him tight, i wanted to do something, so i walked behind him, and tied his hair back, i walked in front, let two strands fall, and i smiled at him, he smiled at me, and kissed my forehead

Sirius: "have fun, sweetheart, but not too much fun"

Phoenix: "DADD, really?"

Sirius: "Yes, just be careful, ok honey?"

Phoenix: "ok, i'll be careful, i promise, you wont have to worry, i'll be fine, i swear, and if something happens, i'll call you ASAP, i promise"

Sirius: "ok, good, now go have fun, just be you honey, i love you, pup"

I smiled at him, and hugged him, tight again, I went to moony, and hugged him tight, i said i love you, and walked to Cherline, i took her hand, and we left, she walked me to her car, and opened the door for me, i said thank you, and we drove off, as i waved goodbye, i grabbed my air-pods, and put one in, i put my head out the window, letting the wind blow through my hair.

Continue on next chapter

I wanted their date to have their own chapter, you know, so yea

i hope you liked this chapter

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