Another Day in the Life

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He wakes up an hour before school ends, surprised to see Mr. Aizawa sitting at his bedside.

"I understand Todoroki's father did this to you?" Mr. Aizawa asks and Bakugo panics, not showing it, but looking around for Todoroki.

He's on the other side of the bed, and when Bakugo looks at him in question, all he does is nod.

So Bakugo tells the truth.

"Yeah. Asshole just watched me pass out and yelled at me for not getting up."

Aizawa raises an eyebrow and his eyes drift over to Todoroki.

"That's abuse, you know?" Mr. Aiawa asks Todoroki.

Todoroki just nods.

"Not much I can do now. My siblings won't speak up if I even go to the police. It would honestly just turn out worse for me. I've though about it, trust me," Todoroki says.

"How have you thought about it? You're the victim, of course you're going to be scared about telling the authorities," Mr. Aizawa counters.

Todoroki's obviously have a hard time in Bakugo's body, feeling so many emotions and not knowing what to do with them.

"I'm not myself right now, but Endeavor is currently the number one hero. Although not a lot of people like him, he does have the support of millions. Let's say I do speak up, no one will be there to support me. My siblings are terrified of him and my mother-"

He gets choked up, and actually makes a face at that, confused as to why it actually got to him so much.

Todoroki clears his throat and moves on, though.

"My mother is in a psych ward. No judge will believe her after she physically harmed me," he says, pointing at Bakugo who's in his body, obviously talking about the scar.

His eyes are watering and he looks frustrated at them. Like he doesn't know what to do.

"There are no witnesses," he forces himself to say although his voice sounds shaky, "no one can back me up."

Bakugo honestly doesn't know what to do.

"Well, I'm a victim now, too," Bakugo says.

"He didn't know we were switched so he did what he normally does to you, so now I know and I can testify once we're switched back."

He doesn't know how that'll work because it's kind of a mess.

He and Todoroki should have told people that they were switched because now it's weird that Bakugo was living as Todoroki without anyone but Mr. Aizawa and that Hoku guy.

Bakugo looks at Mr. Aizawa for approval.

He seems to be thinking the same thing, eyebrows furrowed as he thinks.

"The situation makes this very complicated. I will see what I can do. For now, all I will tell you is that I'll try to shift the blame on myself for the complications. Tell the truth which is that the switch was so sudden and out of the ordinary that you guys just did the stupid thing and kept it a secret since you didn't know how to handle a situation I just threw at you."

Todoroki nods, agreeing.

Bakugo also agrees, but he doesn't nod or anything. It's not up to him to agree or disagree. It's not his life. It's Todoroki's.

Mr. Aizawa leaves after that, dismissing the two of them. Recovery Girl walks in as soon as Aizawa leaves, and she shoves food at both Bakugo and Todoroki.

"I got you something to eat. Go on now, eat it," she demands.

They do, opening the foam boxes that the food was in, being greeted by some fish, rice, and broccoli.

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