Wished He Did

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Todoroki seems to have many regrets.

Bakugo is surprised because he doesn't have a lot of memories just lingering at the surface. It's practically a jump scare when he learns about something in Todoroki's past.

He does, however, hold regret.

A lot of regret.

When Bakugo interacts with other people as Todoroki. There's a lingering feeling that he holds which tells him that Todoroki wishes he could have been more social.

More socially aware.

It makes him feel less normal.

Which is utter bullshit because yeah Todoroki is fucking weird, but never would Bakugo call him not normal.

That means that it's definitely Todoroki's mind that tells him that he should be more 'normal'.

How fucking stupid.

This idiot wouldn't be the same Todoroki that everyone seems to enjoy being around if he was 'normal'.

Who even says that shit nowadays?

What constitutes as being normal and not normal?

Todoroki seems to associate being not normal as bad and a curse he has to hold.

It's also like he blames himself, but that's ridiculous. It was Endeavor who forced him into isolation.

Todoroki didn't lock himself away and push his siblings away from himself along with his mother, leaving him absolutely alone. Todoroki didn't take himself out of regular school in primary school before he could really learn about social status and the rules.

It's lonely.

And not in the way that Bakugo feels it when he's himself.

It's lonely in the way that leaves a hole in his chest and adds onto the empty feeling that Todoroki already feels.

Bakugo knows why he feels the loneliness.

Todoroki doesn't seem to understand it completely and for some reason that makes Bakugo ten times sadder about the situation.

He feels overprotective now that he really knows the idiot.

On Thursday night, he goes to the Todoroki residence, hoping training goes fine as he walks up to the door. Just one more day of this before the weekend and Todoroki will stay over.

Endeavor won't be able to force him into training if they have a guest.

So Bakugo plans on doing whatever he can in order to make sure Endeavor doesn't get too angry. He hits really fucking hard when he's mad.

It's just today that he has to do this.

For some reason that sparks up another thing in Todoroki's mind.

Another regret.

I wish I told someone about this sooner.

Bakugo's freezes at that thought.

Todoroki wishes he told someone sooner? About his dad beating him?

Yeah, Bakugo can see why he would want that, but talking about your abuse is hard. Really hard. Todoroki shouldn't blame himself.

Shouldn't hate himself because he never talked about the abuse of his father. It's probably just as traumatizing to talk about the shit that happened to you. Especially with how ridiculous people are and don't even get him started on the victim blaming.

Holy shit Bakugo can go on a ten minute tangent on the dumbasses who victim blame and why they're fucking stupid.

An alarm forces him out of his thoughts and he sighs, knowing he has to change for training with Endeavor.

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