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Okay so maybe it was stupid for Todoroki to ignore all of his dad's messages because now his phone was lit up with his dad's contact.

He'd been calling nonstop for over an hour. It was actually nonstop.

It had not gone dark once in over an hour and Bakugo was over it so he snatched it from where it was next to Todoroki and answered the call, walking a bit away from the other teen because of mental health reasons

"Yes?" Bakugo answered, sounding unbothered.


He hung up right after, not giving him another chance to speak.

How annoying.

Bakugo was definitely not going back, so he texts Endeavor as much, telling him he's staying with a friend and won't be going home during the weekend.

Todoroki just watched anxiously from where he was on the couch, obviously stressed and nervous about his dad.

"You're not going back to him anymore. If Mr. Aizawa can't do anything about keeping you away still, then you're just coming back to my house and living here until we take legal action. Even after we're switched back."

Picking at his nails, Todoroki nods.


He's definitely overthinking right now.

Todoroki's phone starts buzzing like crazy and that sets him off.

He starts crying, looking at Bakugo in embarrassment.

"Bakugo just please go back. He might beat you, but it's better than dying. Please, I don't want you or me to die. He'll find out where we are and he'll make it so much worse if he has to be the one to come get you. Bakugo I'm-"

He's having a full on breakdown, sobbing and hiccuping harshly, barely even breathing as he explains how scared he is for the both of them.

Bakugo doesn't let it go on, stopping him immediately with another hug, holding him tightly.

Todoroki does stop talking, but he cries.

He cries into his shoulder and eventually hugs him back. He's crying way too hard for it to be about this.

Bakugo knows it's about so much more.

Years of repressed emotions and his tired mind finally let loose.

The wails are heart wrenching.

Bakugo doesn't even know if he's ever cried like this and it's his body.

"I've got you. Just let it out," Bakugo whispers to him.

That forces more cries from Todoroki, and by the time it stops, Bakugo notices that he's passed out.


Pulling out his phone, he sees it's been three hours.

Holy shit.

Well, Todoroki definitely needed that.


Although he'd helped Todoroki through that, he was anxious the whole time. Worried about Endeavor actually finding him and dragging him back to the Todoroki residence to be beaten or killed.

Or maybe beaten to death.

Either way, the thought was there and no matter how much Todoroki hated his life, the wish for death was never actually there.

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