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Okay so maybe there were some feelings that Bakugo was feeling.

Particularly for Todoroki.

Romantic feelings.

It's not weird. Okay maybe a little weird, but he's come to learn about Todoroki, even after they swapped back to themselves.

Todoroki is just a kind person. Sure, he's petty, but Bakugo likes that. He likes that Todoroki gets annoyed with him and will push him slightly when Bakugo teases or says something that he doesn't like.

He likes the attitude that Todoroki will display when he's particularly angry.

He likes that the idiot is so picky with his food and always wears mismatched socks like a lunatic.

He likes how when he talks to Bakugo, it's unrestrained and honest. It's just so him and he's not shy about it, and he doesn't feel like a nuisance when he's with Bakugo and Bakugo can tell.

He can tell that Todoroki is so comfortable with him and now that he's been staying at Bakugo's house, his trust has only gotten deeper.

Like the other day, Todoroki fell asleep on his shoulder.

At the beginning, right when they were back to normal, Todoroki wouldn't even yawn in the same room as Bakugo.

The case with his dad has improved and they're finally going to court tomorrow.

It's been exactly one week since they switched back, and Mr. Aizawa already has so much evidence on Endeavor along with testimonies.

It'll be a walk in the park.

No matter what Endeavor's lawyers bring, there's irrefutable proof of the abuse.

Mr. Aizawa was able to find a videos from around ten years ago and some from as recent as this year. It took a lot of digging, but he was able to submit the proof, so now they could use it in court. It was last minute, so there was a low chance that it could be used, but the judge allowed it.

Tomorrow Bakugo would testify, too.

Telling the court that as Todoroki, he suffered immense pain and fatal injuries.

Even though the situation was iffy, Mr. Aizawa would fully take responsibility on why they were switched because it was his fault anyway.

It was still a nerve wracking event and Bakugo was anxious about it.

He couldn't even imagine what Todoroki was going through.

Said teen had been on edge all day. They were excused from school today and tomorrow, which lessened their stress, but Todoroki was losing it.

He'd woken up in a panic, then stayed awake, cleaned the entire downstairs, sat and stared at a blank television, got up, showered for about two hours, had a panic attack when Bakugo dropped a spoon while trying to serve Todoroki ice cream, and then went back to staring at the tv.

Bakugo got him a new spoon after calming him down from the panic attack and served him a new bowl of ice cream.

"Halfie," he said, almost in a whisper when he sat down next to him.

He handed him the bowl, and almost robotically, Todoroki took it and held the bowl in his hands.

"Halfie," Bakugo called again, trying to get his attention.

It didn't seem to be working because he just continued staring straight in front of him. It was starting to freak Bakugo out.

"Okay," Bakugo breathed, "Halfie, come on. You're freaking me out."

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