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(Sapnap POV)

Dream handed me one of the guns from the wall and a handful of bullets.

"Nick, you'll be the one to shoot Wilbur. Preferably in the arm, leg, stomach could work if you know where your aiming, but keep away from his head and his heart so he's alive when you bring him in. I want Quackity to be the one to kill him."

I nodded and slotted the bullets into the hand held pistol.

George looked at me and raised an eyebrow, lowing his head. "You good?" He mouthed.

I nodded and put the pistol in my pocket, before tightening my headband.

"George," dream spoke, "You can be the one to take Tommy, and shoot technoblade. I want techno dead, and Tommy alive, with Wilbur. I'll get Quackity."

The plan sounded straight forward, but I knew the complications we would have to face, Dream tried his best to work around it, but it still wasn't flawless. I thought about Karl, how upset he was about Quackity. Laying in bed, doing nothing. I don't know what bullshit Wilbur told him, but it wasn't true.

I checked the time, 2:30am. Dream pulled his mask over his face and fastened his bullet proof vest. George adjusting his to. I held my gun ready by the handle. Dream smashed the glass to the rival towers door and moved in, alarms blared. As George and Dream scouted to find Phil and Techno, I worked my way to Wilburs room. The door was in my reach, nothing stopping me from barging in and shooting a bullet through that devils skull. But that wasn't the plan. I could hear someone moving in the room.

I kicked the door down and dropped a smoke bomb, the whole room covered by a thick fog. I heard shouting.


Wilburs voice. I could see him, a silhouette in the smoke. I pulled my gas mask over my mouth and fired a singular bullet towards him.


I hit him in the hip. That's not ideal, but I could work with it. He fell to the floor clutching his side and groaned. I saw another body jump and grab a weapon. Quackity.

"Q-quackity..?" I muttered.
No. He's been manipulated. He's not on your side.

I clenched my jaw and bit my lip, quickly soaking a cloth in chloroform and covering his face with it. I felt his body go limp in my arms. Wilbur shrieked and made a grab for my gun, I kicked him in the face. The smoke began wearing off and I could see the pool of blood spilling from Wilburs wound. Dream is gonna be mad.

I heard people running up the stairs and held my gun up expecting Tommy or techno. But it was dream. He nodded and gestured for me to hand quackity to him. I shook my head and pointed at Wilbur. Dream walked over to him and smacked him across the face, knocking him out, and picked him up.

"George has Tommy outside. No sign of the other two, get back to the tower asap." Dream spoke firmly. I pulled my gas mask off and nodded, speed walking down the stairs and back home.


We got back, and I took Quackity upstairs. Dream insisted on typing him up with the other two, but I didn't want him with them. I wanted him safe upstairs. So he'd be tied on a chair in my room, blindfolded and handcuffed.

In the worst way possible, it stung to see him like this. He looked so fragile, his hair falling so perfectly so that it framed his face. He was just magnificent. I wish I could stay and admire him forever, but clay needs help with Wilbur.

I walk downstairs to the basement to see Dream in a full blown out fight with Wilbur, who was winning. I should've known he'd put up more of a fight. Tommy was sat in the corner, screaming and wailing for the brunette to stop fighting. I felt bad in a way, none of this was the boys fault. A scream pulled me away from the upsetting sight. My best friend was on the floor, strangled by my most hated enemy.

"DREAM!" I screamed, and pounced on Wilbur, he was much taller then me so it made it harder, but I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him off of clay, who quickly sprung back into action. He grabbed Tommy and held a glock to his temples.

"Wilbur, sit the fuck down. Or he dies."

"He's a kid dream. A KID! Don't you dare. I'll shred your organs one by one with my bare hands if you hurt him."

"I'm not a monster, now sit down."

Wilbur sat in the chair and I cuffed him to it, blindfolding him to.

"Take that off! Let Tommy go, dream."

Dream sat Tommy down.

"Your brothers safe. What did you tell my best friend?"

"Who? What are you talking abou-"

"DONT. Dont even try it. What did you say to quackity."

Wilbur chuckled. "Oh please, I had no impact on his descision, what I showed duckling was harmless, really."

"What did you show him Wilbur." Dream spat.

"Well, you remember when he went to find his mother that night? I hacked into your security footage and took the video of you guys eating dinner without him. When he, Karl, and sapnap, weren't engaged. But i photoshopped rings onto them, just not quackitys, and made it look like you guys didn't care."

"YOU-" I was ready to kill Wilbur.

"SAPNAP. Control yourself." Dream yelled, and I contained my anger.

The rest of the conversation was a blur to me. I just remember it ending with Wilbur screaming and Tommy being taken away.

I found myself in the kitchen, sitting an staring into space, just thinking.

"Hey." George sat next to me.

"Hi George."

"You know, Q's awake."


"You wanna go see him?"

"I doubt quackity wants to see me, I drugged him back there, plus, Wilburs said and done some shit to him, we can't get him back." I curled my hands into fists angrily.

"Nick, Clays already done it. He had a recording of Wilbur admitting to whatever, and showed Q. He's a little distressed at the moment, but he's untied and on our side."

"Has Karl seen him?"

"..not yet. You wanna come up and talk to him?"

I hesitated.

"I guess."


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