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(Quackity POV)

I felt my heart shatter as dream finished explaining everything to me. He'd taken off my restrains and I stood in front of him.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"Who Wilbur? He's in the basement."

"And his brother?"


"Tommys in the attic??! Why!?"

"I didn't want him near Wil, don't trust him."

"Clay the kids done nothing wron-"

"Quackity we don't get to choose, if we let Tommy go, he gets technoblade, and we can't find him. If techno comes in here we loose Wilbur, and If we loose him, we risk potentially loosing you, and we can't afford to loose you."

Dream was right, although nothing was Tommys fault, throwing him out could lead to a lot more going wrong. And we couldn't risk that.

Nick walked in and smiled at me. I half smiled back.

"Q." He spoke.


"It's good to have you back."

"It's good to see you." We shared a quick hug.

"Uh Clay?"

"Quackity, how can I help?"

"Can I have the basement keys? I wanna talk to him."

"Uhm. Yeah I guess."

He handed my the keys which I quickly took and eagerly ran down the steps to the basement. As I got closer to the door, Wilburs shouting and cursing got louder, I turned the key in the lock and walked in, closing the heavy door behind me.

"O-oh my god! Duckling I'm so glad your her-"

"Shut the fuck up with your bullshit! I don't wanna hear it."

"Oh love~, come on now, let's not get fiesty."

I stood over where Wilbur was sat and he looked up at me, grinning.

"Your disgusting." I slapped him across the face and busted his lip, he licked the blood off and laughed.

"Alex, Alex, Alex. You are cute. If only my plan would've worked, we could've spent the rest of our lives together, hm?~"

"Sh-shut up."

"Come on baby, just untie me."


"Alex, please. I'm not going to hurt you.

"You fucking lied to me several times to my face. If I wanted you to be safe and free, you wouldn't be here right now. I'm going to make sure your last days on this fucking planet are hell. You hear me?"

Wilbur stared at me, and laughed hysterically, he suddenly pulled his hands infront of him and stood up, handcuffs falling to the floor.


He slammed me against the wall and put his arm on my throat, leaning in so our faces were close. I could feel his breath on my face and his arm putting a small amount of pressure on my neck.

"Talk to me like that again, Quackity, I dare you."

"Get the fuck away from me you psychopath."

He frowned and slapped my across the face, leaving a red mark.

"Your going to get dream and his pathetic friends down here, and I'm going to kill then one by one."

"Not gonna happen Wilbur."

"Oh but it is. Where's my brother?"
He pushed on my throat more and I wrapped my hands around his arm.

"I-in the attic."

"Give me the keys."

I grimaced and handed him the set of keys.

He took one of the keys and stabbed it into his side, then taking it out."Now, I don't wanna hear a single word more come out of your pretty little mouth, okay ducky?", I said nothing, grabbing my side nearly folding "Good."

Wilbur dropped me to the floor, and I hit my head on the wall. He walked over to the basement door and unlocked it, stepping out, and locking me in.

"WILBUR!" I screamed. But it was to late. He was already out.

(Wilbur POV)

I didn't look for anyone purposely, I wanted to get straight to the attic to get Tommy, no questions asked.

I got to the attic door and opened it, Tommy sat tied to a chair, bloody and crying, dream sat in front of him with a knife.


Tommy screamed. I slammed the door shut and locked it behind me.

"How the fuck did you get out?"

Dream asked, rushing toward me.

"I dunno, basics."

I grabbed his wrist and snatched the knife from him.
"Now back the fuck up."

Dream hissed in shock and held his hands above his shoulders, backing into the wall.

"Wilbur, come on, there's no need for this"

"What the fuck did you do to my brother."

"He's fine he's jus-"


I shoved the knife into his shoulder and watched him fall to his knees. I looked down at him and spat.

"Tommy!" I rushed over to my brother, he had a smiley face carved into the side of his kneck below his jawline. "Oh my god toms."

He cried whilst I untied him, and rushed into my arms soon after.

"Will- I want to go home."

"I know Tommy. I know."

I let him go and led him out the attic and to the nearest staircase, my phone buzzed as we moved.

I opened a message from an unknown number whilst still walking.

Wilbur I'm gonna fucking die down here please.

I slid my phone into the pocket of my trousers, frowning at the lack of my jacket and a jumper as we got to the front door.

"Tommy, you go ahead and find Dad. I'll be there in a second."

"But wil-"

"Go, Tommy."

He sighed and nodded as I continued down another flight of stairs. I got to a heavy door, and slid the key into the lock, opening the door and closing it behind me.


Quackity lifted his head from the floor, his blood had spilled over the wooden planks as he held his wound. I said nothing to him, simply lifted him off the floor and sat him on the chair.

"Wil.. please.."

I smiled at him and caressed his cheek with my hand, tucking his hair behind his ear. It didn't take me long to realise how close he had leaned his face into mine. He glanced at my lips and back into my eyes, I did the same and he leaned in to kiss me. I stood up and laughed.

"Oh darling. Have a good night."

"WILBUR PLEASE" he cried. I walked out the door chuckling, going back to the front door and catching up to Tommy in the street.


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