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[ No POV ]

Exactly a week into the new year. Wilbur didn't know how long things could go without everything crashing down at once. Life seemed to good to be true, it didn't feel real.

Despite all the peace, he remained prepared for the worst, prepared for when tallulah was taken from him, for when his life was snatched from his soul, or worse, quackitys.
His worst fear, was losing Quackity.

"What you thinking about?" The ravenette chuckled as he leant against the kitchen counter. Wilbur gazed back at him and frowned.
"Just how good things are."

Quackity frowned back at him, looking up slightly to form some sort of eye contact.
"Your right, things are good and they'll stay that way. What's on your mind, Wilbur?"

The brunette sighed, "I just- it feels to good to be real, right? We've gone so long without chaos chasing our asses, it sort of feels wrong."

"So you miss the Chaos?"

"No not the chaos, Quackity. I miss- I don't know. I miss not caring, having nothing to lose."
The kitchens usual cheery atmosphere layed somewhere in a tomb, an uncomfortable one standing in its place.

"You can't grieve the past forever," Quackity stepped back and his tone flattened "you have to come to terms with what we have now."

"I'm happy with what we have! I-"

"No your not! You're constantly reminiscing about 'what could've been'!"

"And you aren't?!" Wilbur threw his hands up and huffed "We could've had everything, if we just kept fighting."

The shorter shook his head in denial. "Your crazy. I nearly died, and so did you."

"Don't speak of death like that. We weren't even close."

"I WAS BLEEDING OUT IN A BASEMENT WILBUR! I STILL HAVE NIGHT TERRORS AND YOU- you stand there and tell me we where nowhere close!"

Wilbur clenched his jaw and his fists curled. Before he could say anything more, tallulah spoke up.

"Why are you fighting dada!" Her face was tear stained and her eyes bloodshot. She hated shouting.

Quackity picked her up and stroked her face.
"We aren't fighting, tallulah. Let's get you back to bed, hm?" He walked back up the stairs to tallulahs room and tucked her back into her bed.

"Q? Can you get daddy to play me a song on his guitar?" She barely whispered, sleepily.

The ravenette felt an overwhelming wave of sympathy submerge his consciousness. No matter how much she asked for Wilbur, he was in no state to be around her.
"Not tonight, lu. Daddy has to sleep."


Quackity wrapped himself up in his duvet, and stared at the white, chipped ceiling. Wil had decided he'd sleep on the sofa, but claimed it was because he didn't feel well and wouldn't risk giving anything to his partner. They both knew that wasn't the case. Q was already an insomniac, so not having that comfort at night time, hugs, reassuring whispers, and back rubs to send him to sleep left him no chance.

A shift of weight on the mattress swiftly changed his mind.

Wilbur wrapped on arm around Quackity and kissed his head.
"I'm sorry. I love you." He whispered into his long black hair.

"I forgive you. I love you to."

The shorter pressed a kiss to the others lips, who happily returned the gesture. The two didn't pull away for around a minute, and when they did, they were panting.

Us against the world - tntduo 😘Where stories live. Discover now