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(Wilburs POV)

Tommy and I got home pretty fast. Techno and Phil had been pacing the lobby, worried. Tommy ran into their arms and I stood looking at the floor.

"Tommy! What did they do to you?" Phil growled.

Techno walked up to me and put both his hands on my shoulders.

"Wilbur, what happened. In detail."


I couldn't find any words. The thought that I had left Quackity to bleed out and die in the basement was rotting my brain. How could I be so cold? We had something. Something was there. The way he looked at me, he practically pleaded with his eyes and I still just let him ble-

"Wilbur?" I clicked from my daydream and realised we were all now sat in the living room, techno and Phil beside me, sharing a glance of concern. "Wilbur, are you okay?"

"I- I don't- I'm fine. I'm okay."

"Will, what happened?"

"I just- I just remember waking up to a room full of smoke, and a figure shooting me.. and then they took Quackity. It must've been sapnap, and then I tried to reach for him, dream kicked me to the floor and knocked me out. Then I woke up in the basement-"

"Wilbur, your panicking. It's okay." Phil added.

Techno held my chin and tilted my face to the left. "What happened to your face? Mostly your lip. But what happened?"

"He slapped me."

"Who slapped you?"


"I knew he was trouble! Wilbur you gotta learn not everybody is genuine okay? He seduced you, and you fell for it."

"That's not fucking true! He had no ill intentions-! We- we had something!"

Phil sighed and patted my shoulder.

"Mate.. your brothers right. I think he just needed you to trust him so he could escape."

"NO! That's not what happened. We talked about it, he didn't want to leave. I asked him if he did, I said I'd let him go, he said he wanted to stay. He trusted me. I trusted him. Tommy- you saw it right?"

Tommy looked at me, and back down at the floor.

"Tommy? Please. Dad- dad you don't get it!"

"Get what mate? It's over now. He's back where he belongs.."

"I- I have to go..!" I tried to get up off the couch but tech stood in front of the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Techno. Move."

He pushed me away from him, and I swung a punch. He immediately tried to push me to the floor, yet I resisted. I punched my brother across the face again, and made a run for tue door.

I was so close. Dad tried to grab me, and I hit him away, as I grabbed the handle to the door, techno wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me backwards, using his foot to slam the door shut.


I felt tears prick at my eyelids as my older brother shook me.

He kept shouting, but I couldn't hear it. Everything was muffled, everything was blurry. He was going to die. I need to get out. I need to get out. I need to get out I need to get out

Everything was silent. Techno frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. He looked me up and down. "What the fuck happened to you?"

What did happen to me?

(Dream POV)


Nobody came, an eery silence filled my home. I grabbed the wall and my other hand clutched my bleeding shoulder as I stood and stumbled to the door.

I walked into Karl & Saps bedroom to find them both sat on the bed. Sapnap rushed to my aid.

"Clay!? What happened?"



"Quackity let him out. I GAVE HIM THE BASEMENT KEY!"

"Okay okay calm down. Take your shirt off."

I did as he said and he grabbed the roll of bandages. He pulled the knife out of my shoulder.


I screamed. He placed it on the desk and wrapped the bandage around the wound, tightly.

"Nick..?" Karl murmured.


"Did he take quackity again?"

I spoke before sapnap could.

"We don't know yet karl. If he hasn't, then that's worse for him because I'm gonna fucking kill him."

I picked the knife up from the desk and ran down to the basement door, swinging it open and storming in.

Quackity sat, almost.. lifeless? His face was pale and his hand held his bleeding hip. There was blood on the walls, on the floor, all over him. His eyes were closing slowly.

"You sick fucker."

His body jolted up.

"CLAY! Oh my god thank god-"

"No I'm not here to save you, Alex. You let that monster go, again. Once again, you failed us. You put Karl, Sapnap, George, and me, in danger. All to save your pathetic little boyfriend. And look how he repayed you!"

"What? Dream-? What are you talking about?!"

"oh don't be stupid."

"I didn't let him go! He freed himself-!"

"Shut the fuck up. Once I'm done with you, I'm gonna make sure he's dead to rot away with you, hm?"

"Clay? What the fuck?"

I edged closer to him with the knife and stabbed it through his already existing wound, making it bigger.

Quackity screamed as tears rolled down his bloodied cheeks.

I pulled the knife out of his skin and laughed to myself. I dropped the knife on the floor and stormed out, locking the door, and throwing the key into the living room fireplace.


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