Episode 26 Double Negative

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Previously on Sonic UA....

Our heroes freed the last two planets from Eggman's amusement park, freeing all of the Wisps in the process.

Though they had to deal with multiple bosses and a rematch against Metal Sonic and Mecha Sally, it wasn't anything Sonic and friends couldn't handle.

But there's still one issue to deal with: Eggman's big plan to control the planet.

Can our heroes defeat him and win?

Find out in today's episode!

(Insert Colors arc intro here)

Eggman chuckles to himself in his lair as he was looking at his completed work. "Hoo ho ho!!! That fool Sonic thinks he's won because he destroyed all of my generators. Well, the mind control cannon is full enough for what it has to do. I WILL have the last laugh!"

Orbot asks as Cubot claps. "The last laugh? How laughing last special? Isn't that like being the slowest one to get the joke?"

"Yeah, I laugh last all the time." Cubot says with his messed up voice box giving him a gangster voice. "People look at me like I'm an idiot. Forgetaboutit!"

Eggman glares and points at him. "That's because you ARE an idiot!"

After some thinking and silence, Cubot replies back. "You talkin' to me?"

"Yes, I'm talking to you." Eggman says pointing at him again and gesturing around the room in frustration. "There's nobody else here, so I MUST be talking to you. Why haven't we fixed your voice chip yet?!"

"Yo, quit bustin' my batteries over here." Cubot talks back at him. "I been workin' on it all day."

"What does that even mean?!" Eggman says before stomping and turning away to give up on arguing with Cubot. "Oh, never mind. In a few seconds, it won't matter anyway since the world will have only one thing on it's mind."

"What's that boss?" Orbot simply asks him as Eggman grabs a lever.

"He he...Me." Eggman chuckles and answers, causing Orbot and Cubot to look at him in shock as the doctor pushes the lever forward to turn on his machine.

Meanwhile outside the theme park....

The lights in the Tropical Resort go out as four inward spires push further out and four outer spires come out of the edges of the park.

Purple energy builds up between the spires as it prepares to fire down on the planet below......but something went wrong.

The arm from the Tropical Resort boss fight had lodged into one of spires, causing a the pressure from the energy building up to make it burst.


A giant explosion rang out as the cannon was destroyed, sending energy out like wisps of flame across space, one even hitting the moon hard.

The entire core of the park was unstable and the whole build up of energy was too much.

Black hole was about to form!

Back with Eggman...

"No! This can't be happening." Eggman says in panic as the room began to shake, seeing his entire plan backfire as he kicked his chair around the room. "It's backfiring. Impossible! How?!"

"Yo, what do you mean impossible?" Cubot asks him. "Your plans have been crushed by Sonic for like, eh, ever. He stops you like it's his job or somethin'. In fact, I can't remember a plan he didn't stop."

"What are you talking about?!" Eggman says as he angrily points at him. "He hasn't stopped all of them!"

"Name one!" Cubot dares him to correct him on this.

"Um..." Eggman says as he thinks hard....but he's unable to provide an example, since Sonic and his friends were just that good at stopping him.

"Way to pay attention, pal." Orbot compliments his fellow robot while slapping him in the back.

Cubit's head spins for a bit before he felt his old voice back. "Thank you buddy! Hey! My voice....IT'S BACK!!"

"Ah, there's the sweet sound my auditory processors know and love." Orbot says in relief and happiness.

Eggman face palms himself and mutters. "Now I remember why we changed his voice chip."

"Eh, no matter!" Eggman then says. "I may have suffered a setback, but this thing's far from over! I WILL CRUSH SONIC!"

The doctor then sits in his chair, which then flies up into a hole in the ceiling that closes behind him, leaving the two robots behind as he goes to get revenge on the Blue Blur.

"The man gets an A for effort, that's for sure!" Cubot says to his buddy.

At the Tropical Resort with Sonic and friends...

Sonic and the gang were celebrating with the Wisps prior to the explosion, only to feel the floor shaking as the Wisps all flew away.

"What's happening? I felt a surge of energy and now everything is shaking!" Aura says as Tails uses a device he had.

"I think this place has built up so much Hyper Go On energy that it's built up like a giant star at the core, which means.....this place is going to burst into a black hole!" Tails says in shock

"Good thing Cream, Amy and everyone else except us are already out of the park. All that's left to leave is us." Sonic says to his friends.

"Then let's make our way towards the space elevator and get out of here before it's too late!" Aura says as him, Tails, Sonic and (your OC) run to the exit.

(Roleplay begins here. Let's go!)

Time for the epic finale of the Colors arc!

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