Chapter 1

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𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

                              𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠?

It was a cloudy , grey and rainy day. Nestled in a mountain side laid a small village with houses far and wide apart each seeming to keep to their own with walls surrounding the small estates and it often seemed lonley and deprived of any life tho the next small town was only an hour away. Some people enjoy living alone and away from Others as it was a blessing- but for some it was also a curse.

No one can hear the cries of one's poor soul.
                  No one will care

The Ikeda estate was one of these houses. As the rain came down on the roof and dripping down onto the wooden porch and as the wind was howling no one could hear the terrific sounds inside of the house as a hand made harsh contact with skin as the Thunder crashed outside.

The little form was trembling as the hand strikes his cheek. Another one for good measure. He be dammed not to cry out again this time. The pain was harsh and unforgiving

"You stupid little brat! I thought I taught you better than to spit out pathetic excuses out of your useless face" a harsh high pitched raspy voice echoes through the room a sound almost as violent as the storm raging outside. A Sharp pair of eyes were digging themselves into the shuddering curled up ball on the ground "i- I'm sorry mother i- I just... I don't want to go out training again in this weather. Please-" a small voice uttered from a pale pair of lips emerged from the boy on the ground. His greyish blue eyes trying to escape the unrelenting gaze of his mother's as she twisted her face into a scowl. "Ezra Ikeda! I didn't birth you just to be a pathetic disappointment! You are here to become a hashira and make money to provide for your family! Me and your father feed and clothe you and provide a roof over your head so you will do as we say! Otherwise your miserable existence has no use for us!" She proclaimed her voice booming and cold.

Of course. Ezra heard that all before. She's constantly repeating herself.

"I'm.... Aware mother." Ezra replied with a small voice as his hand raised up to hold his face which was hurting badly- he would get another blue eye for sure this time. His mother sure was strong- as to be expected as she used to be a hashira herself just like his father who stood at the sliding doorframe to observe the situation with the same cold eyes as his wife's. "Now stop whining and move your weak little body up to the training ground before I'll drag you! I don't want another word out of your mouth of you want to have dinner tonight." She said before turning around waiting for her son to move.

Don't test her patience
     She's already mad enough

Ezra picked himself up from the patted bamboo floor keeping his head low. He didn't wanted his parents to see the tears in his eyes but he also had to be careful not to let the crimson pooling blood drip on the ground that was forming under his busted lip. As he was exiting the room Ezra felt his father's gaze on him "You're almost eleven years old. Man up already" his father uttered his head tilting to the side as he gave his soon a cold look. His massive frame hovering over his only child like a dark cloud. As Ezra nods leaving the room and making his way towards the door the clicking of his geta sandals on the ground was the only noise besides the raging storm outside. Ezra opened the sliding door as he grimaced at the tons of rain coming down from the sky- it was only early spring so the air was quite cold and the wind was blowing. The training ground hall was just a few Meters away but it still was a very uncomfortable walk for the little boy.

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