Chapter 5

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𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝
                             𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

It finally was time to prove your worth....

The final selection had begun, Ezra stood on the side with his arms crossed barley listening as his mind was occupied and still digesting the cruelty of the other young demon slayers he'd just witnessed as he felt a hand touch his shoulder and Ezra flinched and looked up , his eyes meeting caramel brown one's.... Oh ... It's that guy.

The blonde boy smiled at him , he'd also must have been around his age tho he was a few centimeters taller and had blonde hair frame his freckled face. "Hey- I'm so sorry for my friends behaviour they really act out sometimes and don't know their boundaries" he uttered with a apologetic smile as he rubbed the back of his head. Ezra starred at him, he was surprised that someone wasn't outright disgusted by him for once- or scared for that matter as the boy titled his head and reached out a hand "I'm Harue- nice to meet you" he said his lips curling into a grin.

Ezra just stood there not sure how to react- this amount of kindness was too much for the isolated outcast as he took a steep back and adverted his gaze his gut telling him not to trust that guy and just ignore him While something deep inside him moved, yearning for human interaction and the possibility of a friend. Harue was aware of that cold behaviour from this Strange guy as he tried it again "you don't have to be alone on the final selection- we can team up! I'm sure these demons won't have a chance against the two of us!" Harue said determined and nudged Ezra's shoulder trying to evoke some emotion in him. Ezra just glanced at him his eyes drilling into Harue's. "I do thinks alone- I don't need anyone." Ezra said Coldly he didn't wanted to get bothered anymore and just be alone and finally get this behind him.

As the sun slowly dissapeard Ezra got ready to step onto the mountain to survive the seven days ahead of him- he would do it alone and give his best like he was used to.

A few hours had passed after the final selection had begun and Ezra was walking around the shadows of the trees, he already did encounter a few demons but they had proven no problem. They did get lured to him pretty easily tho because of the wound Ezra had on his head from the assault of the rocks before, the smell of blood laying in the air to attract demons to his location. After a while Ezra decided to scout out a location to settle down and rest for a bit when he heard the crack of sticks behind him- he was very quick to draw his katana and whips it around to strike down his enemy just to be face to face with a very surprised Harue who quickly put his hands up with a nervous chuckle "hey calm down there-" he said quickly and Ezra huffed annoyed sinking his weapon "it's you again....." He scoffed and sighs deeply "whatever......" He mumbled trying to not pay him any mind and sat down by the fire he made to keep him warm until sunrise.

Harue starred at Ezra before he sat down across from Ezra which evoked a displeased glare from the white haired boy.

What is he doing?
             Does he wants to be near me?
                            Isn't he scared?...

Ezra rolled his eyes and leaned back against a rock his gaze focused on the fire and the cracking of the flames. The sun would rise soon and he could get some rest and maybe even take a he couldn't let his guard down.

"It's pretty cold huh?" Harue's voice cut the silence as he stretched his hands above the fire to get some warmth into his fingers and he looked across at Ezra "I hope you don't mind-" he added as Ezra just sighs ".... whatever" Ezra huffed as he shuffled back a bit. Harue titled his head again his Caramel eyes scanning Ezra from head to toe- which Ezra noticed as he hugged himself with a slight glare towards the other boy.

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